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Human Development

Name: Luvilyn Basada

Year & Section: BSED 1C1
Human development is the pattern of movement or
change that begins at conception and continues
through the lifespan. Development includes growth
and decline. This means that development can be
positive or negative.
(Santrock 2002)
Outstanding Characteristic
Traits and Developmental Task
of Human Development
Outstanding Characteristic
Traits and Developmental Task
Outstanding Characteristic
Traits and Developmental Task
of a Pre natal
Outstanding Characteristic of Pre-natal
• gains weight
• brain develops
• immunity system develops
• eyes open
• hiccups begin
Outstanding Characteristic of an Infancy
• cries
• eats every 2-3 hours
• responds to human voice and touch
• begins to walk and talk
Outstanding Characteristic of an Early Childhood
• climbs stairs
• learns more complex sentences
• can hop
• learns to socialize
Outstanding Characteristic of Middle and Late Childhood
• develops complex motor skills
• peer acceptance is extremely important
Outstanding Characteristic of Adolescence
• puberty occurs
• establishes a sense of self
• confrontations with authority
Outstanding Characteristic of Early adulthood
• learns to accept responsibility
• learns to accept criticism
Outstanding Characteristic of Middle adulthood
• concerned about job and health and family,
• hearing and vision decrease
Outstanding Characteristic of Late adulthood
• concerned about health and finances,
• bones become brittle
• some memory loss

During the first few weeks and

months of an infant's life, her
actions exhibited
movements by the newborn
are reflexive or infant include the startle
reflex, whichinisnature.
involuntary elicitedSome
by sudden
reflexloud sounds or position
changes, and the grasp reflex, in which an infant
instinctively grasps objects put in her hands or feet.

The preschool years occur

between the ages of 3 and 5 years
pointThe preschooler
that attains
should include standing on one foot for ten
seconds skills at this
or more, hopping or skipping, swinging and
climbing, throwing and catching a ball, using a fork and
spoon and drawing a person with a body.

Is the period of dramatic physical

change marked by an over all
as puberty.
physical Adolescent
growth is the
spurt and sense of invincibility that
puts them atknown
maturation, greater risk of dying from accidents or
contracting sexually transmitted communications that
can have lifelong consequences.
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