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Java Applet

Presented by: Feng Liu


• Introduction
• Java Applet vs. JavaScript
• Steps in Creating a Java Applet
• Java Applet Example
• Do I have to write my own
• Summary

• What is JAVA?
Java is an object oriented programming language created
by Sun Microsystems

• What is Java Applet?

A fully functioning small Java application

Used for Web Design

Need to be embedded into HTML file


• What Java Applet Can do?

Display message and image on a web page

Draw picture on a web page

receive input from the user through keyboard or mouse

Play Sound
Java Applet vs. JavaScript

• Both similar and quite different

Java Applet JavaScript
Created by Sun Created by Netscape
Standalone application text that is fed into a browser that
Developed outside out of HTML can read it and then is enacted by
the browser.
Must be converted into machine Text based, not need to be
language before it can be run on compiled
the web
Once it is compiled, it is set. Have Can be altered after it runs and run
to go back to the original text and it again and again
alter it, then compile again.
Steps in Creating a Java Applet

• Write the Java Applet Source Code

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
public class HelloWorldApplet extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.drawString("Hello world!", 50, 25);

• compile it
Steps in Creating a Java Applet

• Write a HTML to call the Applet

<applet CODE=“HelloWorldApplet.class" WIDTH="250"


• Open the HTML file in browser and run

Java Applet Example
Java Applet Example
Do I have to write my own

• No!
• There are many Java Applet available
on the Web
• For Example:
Java Boutique
Java File
Freeware Java

• Java Applet is part of Java Programming language

• It is a useful tool for the Web Development

• There are thousands of Java Applet available online

• If you decide to use those free applets, make sure

you give the author credits

• HTML HOODIES. (2003). So, You Want A Java Applet, Huh!?.

• HTML HOODIES. (2003). Java vs. JavaScript.

• Smith, D. (1998). Java for the world wide web. California:

Peachpit Press

• What can a Java Applet do?
Thank you
Any Question?

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