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What is an opportunity?
• An opportunity has the qualities of being attractive, durable and timely
and is anchored in a product or services which creates or add values
for its buyer or end user.
• Opportunities can turn a bad situation into a good situation or a loss
into a profit.
• Opportunities can exits on paper or in the form of ideas.
• Opportunities are usually related to the entrepreneur's work
experience, hobbies or social environment.
Sources of Opportunity
Model for Opportunity Recognition
Process Of Recognizing, Analyzing And
Choosing A Business Opportunity
• Recognizing Customers Needs and Wants
Needs: Is something basic in life such as food, clothing and shelter
Wants: Something that is more than a basic need and is determined by
an individual lifestyle, education level, purchasing power and
personality. Example: Motorcycle, radio, recreational and entertainment
• Scanning the Business Environment
Analyzed in terms of demographics, local resources, new government
policies and regulations, data on import and export, industrial linkages,
development project by public and private sectors, technological
breakthrough and sources from the mass media and electronic media.
• Demographics Such as Population Structure, Income and Taste
Needs and wants are based on the structure, income and taste of the
A higher level of income will lead to higher purchasing power.
• Local Resources
There is still abundance of local resources that are untapped and have
the potential to become investment opportunities.
Example clay can be used to create vase, ceramic.
Fountain and natural attractions at certain location can be turned into
business ideas.
• New Government Policies & Regulations
Rules and regulations pertaining to the emission of smoke, speed traps,
installation of black boxes for express buses, installation of third brake
light can be perceived as business opportunities.
• Data on Import and Export
The continues increase in the value and quantity of imported and
exported products or services reflect a potential market at the local and
international level.
• Industrial Linkages
An entrepreneur can identify the industry that requires input from other
Example : the tourism industry in Malaysia will lead to the development
of new products and services and complement the hotel, transportation
and restaurant industries which are related to the industry.
• Development Projects by Public and Private Sectors
There are various development projects by the government and firms
that have directly of indirectly opened up business opportunities for
Example: Government complex Putrajaya
• Technology Breakthrough
New technological breakthrough can create new markets and
opportunities business.
Example: Invention semi-conductors created business opportunities in
the computer.
• Mass Media and Electronic Media
Advertisements and information in daily newspapers, magazines and the
internet can be resources for generating business ideas.
Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Asia

Hong Kong



South Korea





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