Coconutmilk As An Alternative Conditioner For Damaged Hair

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As time passes by, people become more conscious about their appearance due to the modernity of
the people. In appearance it includes body, skin color, body size, face, and hair. Nowadays during the
pandemic many people are short of money due to the loss of their jobs due to the fear of getting sick
because there's a virus that is spreading. But even in such an event, they still think of improving their
appearance which includes their hair even if only a small amount of money is spent. Common problems
affecting the hair and scalp include hair loss(alopecia), infections, and disorders causing itching and
scaling.This problem affects human being to look for the best way to solve this kind of problem.
When it comes to hair health coconut milk can restore strength and moisture because coconut milk
is High in Lauric Acid which has the ability to penetrate hair easily and coconut milk is High in Protein
which makes your hair strong.
This idea helps the researcher to conduct a study to prove that coconut milk has a potential as an
alternative conditioner that can help people to prevent hair damages.

This study aims to find out the effects of Coconut milk as an alternative hair conditioner to the damaged hair.
Specifically it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the difference between an ordinary conditioner and this alternative conditioner in terms of;

1.1 Odor

1.2 Color; and

1.3 Amount of money spent

2. Is there a significant difference in result when they are just same in how many times you are going to apply an
ordinary conditoner and coconut milk?

3.Is there a significant difference between an ordinary conditioner and this alternative conditioner in terms of their
other effects?

This study will be conducted to test the following hypothesis:

1. There is no significant difference between an ordinary conditioner and the coconut
milk if the given time of applying is just same.

2.There is no significant difference between an ordinary conditioner and this alternative

conditioner in their other effects.

This study aims to make an alternative conditioner from an organic

material that people can usually get from the fruit's white flesh which is the
coconut milk that can help people to prevent hair damages just like hair

1. To know what are the good effects of Coconut milk as an hair conditioner.
2. To discover the difference between an ordinary hair conditioner and this alternative
hair conditioner.

3. To assist people to make a wise choice in choosing hair conditioner that has a great
benefits in their hair.
doing the experiment with
Looking for someone to conduct a skin two different hair by using
experiment with allergy test coconut milk and the other

find people who are willing making a questionnaire

to answer the given after observing the
questionnaire experimentation

gather and analyze

the data that we can Draw a conclusion about the
get from the result after analyzing the
questionnaire gathered data

This study requires the following precautionary measures to ensure the researcher
and the participants of the experiment safety:

1. Consult an expert to conduct a skin allergy test in the participant.

2.The researcher must wear gloves while doing the experiment to avoid some problem.
3. The researcher must use the appropriate tools that are needed while conducting the

The data will be analyzed using the following statistical tools:

1.MEAN- will be used to measure the ability of coconut milk to recover the damaged
2. T-Test- will be used to determine the significant diffeence of an ordinary conditioner
to an alternative conditioner when they have the same given time to apply this.
3.F- Test- will be used to determine the significant difference between an ordinary
conditioner and the coconut milk when they are compared by their other effects.

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