Physical Pharmacy Experiment No: 2: Anum Hanif Faculty of Pharmacy Hajvery University (HU)

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Physical Pharmacy

Experiment No: 2

Anum Hanif
Faculty of Pharmacy
Hajvery University (HU)
Learning Outcomes

• Different terminologies related to topic

• Various parts of apparatus
• Purposes of practical
• Application in pharmacy
Determination of Surface Tension
by Drop Count Method
To determine the surface tension of given liquid by drop
count method.
•The Stalagmometer consist of a glass capillary tube with a bulb
at the middle. There is a capillary bore at the tip of the
•The surface tension of the liquid can be calculated by using
following formula.
• V1 = Surface tension of the test liquid
• V2 = Surface tension of the water
• p1 & p2 = Density of the test liquid & Water
• n1 = no. of drops of the test liquid
• n2 = no. of drops of the water
•Stalagmometer, Beakers, Measuring Cylinder
•Standard distilled Water, Isopropyl
•The liquid which is to tested was sucked into the clean
Stalagmometer up to mark A. Then it was allowed to fall down
due to gravity. The no. of drops was calculated when the liquid
passes from mark A to B. The procedure was repeated 3 times to
obtain the mean value. Then the value of surface tension can be
calculated by using following formula.
Surface Tension Of water:
The surface tension of water is 72 dyne/ cm at 25°C. It would take a
force 72 dynes to break a surface film of water 1cm long. The
surface tension of water decreases significantly with temperature.
The surface tension arises from the polar nature of water molecules.

Surface Tension of some liquids at different temperature:

•10°C 74.23 dyne/cm

•25°C 71.99 dyne/cm
•50°C 67.94 dyne/cm
•75°C 63.57 dyne/cm
•100°C 58.91 dyne/cm
Pencil Page:
•Stalagmometer, Beakers, Measuring Cylinder
•Standard distilled Water, Isopropyl
Standard/Formulation No. of drops Mean Density Surface Tension
g/cm3 Dyne/cm


Standard distilled Water 44 43 45 0.92 0.93 71.99

Isopropyl 93 94 95 0.78 0.78 28.07

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