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Meaning of Gaming Addiction

• V i d e o ga m e a d d i c t i o n , o r m o re b ro a d ly
v i d e o ga m e ove r u s e

• I t i s exc e s s ive o r c o m p u l s ive u s e o f c o m p u t e r

a n d v i d e o ga m e s t h a t i n te r fe re s i n d a i ly l i fe
Symptoms of gaming addiction

1.Psychological symptoms
• Most non- school hours are spent on the computer
or playing games online .
• Falling behind with school work .

2.Physical symptoms
• Sleep disturbances
• Headaches
Positive effects of gaming addiction

• Following instruction

• Problem solving and logic

• Resource management and logistics

• Teamwork and cooperation

• Hand and brain coordination

Negative Effects

• Violence and Aggression

• Effects academic achievements

• Teach wrong values

• Bad health effects

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