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Case Study-3

Ramizul Islam
Entrepreneur, Ramiz Electrical Works
‘SEIP made Ramiz a successful
Objective of the Case Study

To analyze and assess the outcome how

the Skills Training of SEIP affects the
post-training life of the trainees.
Case Study
Ramizul Islam. Everyone calls him by nickname
‘Ramiz’. He is the son of Hasan Ali, a resident of
Jaintapur Sylhet, who once conducted Stone Business.
Ramiz’s mother died 10 years back.
24 years old Ramiz is third among his four brothers and
sisters. Father Hasan Ali now-a-days does not perform
any work due to his age. So Ramiz now handles the
responsibility to take care of his father and two sisters
with full confident. But life of Ramiz, a successful
young entrepreneur today, was totally different a year
ago. Contd…
Case Study
Ramiz left his dearest village home in Jaintapur for
maternal uncle’s home in Gazipur in his childhood
(1999). He had much interest and fascination for
electrical works from the childhood. However, neither
uncle nor father liked it. They had something different
in their minds. The stone business of his father was the
least option for him. Once upon a time, Ramiz’s uncle
went abroad paving the way to fulfill his (Ramiz)
dream. He learned some electrical works from Rahim,
a local electrician whom he regarded as ‘Ustad’
Case Study
Due to insolvency of family, Ramiz was not able to continue
his study after class nine. He started to earn some money by
doing some independent electrical works and also doing part-
time work at the ‘Rahim Electronic Shop’. Pavel supported
his poor family by that little income. But Ramiz’s life took a
turn when he went to Bangladesh German Technical Training
Centre with ‘Ustad’ Rahim.
Pavel faced interview at the centre and admitted himself in a
six months training course of ‘Electronic and Electrical
Works’. Ramiz got some money as stipend during the course,
which gave him the feelings of a big achievement in life for
the first time. He has been preserving this money as a
precious gift till today. Contd…
Case Study
Ramiz enjoyed every class in the course which helped
him shape his immature ideas about the electrical works,
got from ‘Ustad’ Rahim, into practical experience.
Gradually, he learnt everything from calculation of
electrical works to measurement of cable, electric
retention capacity of different cables, and essential
things to do for overall security. After the six months
training, Ramiz had an offer of job before him. But he
didn’t think that the salary he would be provided is
enough to fulfill the demands of his family. At last
Ramiz decided to open an electrical shop just like his
‘Ustad’ Rahim.
Case Study
Shop rent and other costs made Ramiz worried.
But, he didn’t look back. With the assistance of
some familiar persons and borrowed money,
Ramiz started his dreamful shop named ‘Ramiz
Electrical Works’. The monthly rent for the shop
was 3,000 taka. At the beginning, it was hard for
Ramiz to get works. Now-a-days, he has very
little time in hands to sit idle. Within months
Ramiz paid back the money he borrowed.
Case Study

Rahim saw an income of 15,000 taka in his first

month as an entrepreneur. Within one year, the
extent of the shop and scope of his income has
increased manifolds. Now Ramiz Electrical
Shop has six employees who work as his
assistants. Ramiz earns some 25,000 taka every
month after excluding all expenses including
staff salaries and shop rent.
Case Study
Ramiz is now getting low-level to midlevel work contracts
from different institutions. He now wants to put his
efficient hands in the high-level contracts which can earn
for him both money and reputation. But the only barrier on
that way is capital. Describing the recent experience
Ramiz tells, ‘I had a big contract before me from ROBI
(Mobile Phone Company). The sum was 10 lacs. But I
missed the contract as I was unable to manage the capital
essential for the contract. I would have seen a profit of at
least 3 lacs if the works were done by my team.’
Case Study
Ramiz mentioned that for a midlevel contract there is
no need for a big capital. How much he can earn from
such contract? Ramiz replied, ‘on an average, I earn
almost 50 percent of the total expenditure. Currently, I
have been working at three different sites. Each site is
being handled by two staffs of my shop. I expect a
handsome income from these works.’ How you spend
the income? Ramiz says, ‘All the responsibilities of my
father and two sisters lie on me. My eldest sister has
got married but I had to manage all her wellbeing. After
all, they all are parts of my family.’
Case Study
Ramiz’s future plan is to go abroad for work. He wants to earn
money as much as possible during the abroad life then to come
back home to run a big workshop. ‘I want to become a big and
successful entrepreneur’, Ramiz hopes.
Job or entrepreneurship, which one should be emphasized on?
Ramiz says, ‘It is not possible to apply one’s merit and
capability entirely when he/she is engaged in a job. Moreover,
the salary range at the beginning of job life in country is too less
than practical demands. Besides, I am in the position to make
some employment opportunities for the unemployed youths.
Also, I teach some others how to perform electrical works. The
both events make me joyful.’
Realization of Ramiz
A 24 year old entrepreneur Ramiz thinks that he has
chosen the right direction rejecting the job offer and
embracing the entrepreneurship. According to him, it is
very prestigious event to become an entrepreneur
rather than becoming a servant of an organization. As
an entrepreneur, anyone can work independently
according to his/her choice and can think about the
wellbeing of others, which will bolster his/her success
and satisfaction.
Assessment of Learning
This Case Study has introduced us with another
successful experience of SEIP skill development
training. That is: if the unemployed and disadvantaged
youth countrywide get an opportunity to receive SEIP
training, they can acquire appropriate skills and
confident to become successful entrepreneurs. These
people will no more hanker after jobs. Rather, they will
create jobs more and more. Such people are essential
for a country like Bangladesh which has much potential
for the entrepreneurs in numerous sectors. The nation
will be benefited by such entrepreneurs in the long run.
Thank You All
Patience Hearing!

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