Cubillas - Module 9

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Module 9


Creative advertising is when a
team of creative come together to
make a campaign or commercial
that creatively and effectively tells
the story of a brand or nonprofit.

❖ Creative advertising campaigns are proven to be more effective

at getting results. Author James Hurman, among others, has
researched three decades of ad campaigns and found that when
executed effectively, creative ad campaigns deliver an ROI
that’s as much as eleven times higher than non-creative
❖ Creativity can help brands to create a following, as well
as promote their products. A study by Micael Dahlen,
Sara Rosengren and Fredrik Torn, published in the
Journal of Advertising Research, found that a highly-
creative ad is likely to make its mark with consumers. It
turns out that many people believe that a brand is high-
quality and worth their attention, simply because they’re
impressed by the effort that went into producing such a

creative advertisement.
The following are the creativity that can help
brands to promote their product:

 Creative equals personalization

 Creative equals brand recognition
 Creative equals storytelling
 Creative equals engagement
Creative equals
Your personal approach towards your customer in a
creative manner helps them embark your systematic
method on dealing with them.
Creative equals brand
 Providing value to your
customers by creating
meaningful connections
through creative
advertising is one way to
create brand recognition
Creative equals storytelling
 When creating a story for your brand, your main focus should be on
emotional impact. Emotional impact is crucial in order to create
human connection. People are more likely to resonate with your
brand if they can relate to it in some way. Not only is storytelling a
way to connect with your customers, it also paints a clear picture of
your brand by guiding the reader along through your journey,
leaving fewer unanswered questions. Creating a story for your
brand also enables the ability to retain customers. After people
recognize your brand and can create a connection with it, they are
more likely to keep your brand on top of mind. This becomes a

strategic framework in your marketing plan.

Creative equals engagement
 Ad effectiveness is optimal when great creative is
matched with great targeting, enabled by the latest
technology and data tools. It may seem obvious, but
reaching a large number of consumers with
advertising is critical to the success of a campaign:
only consumers exposed to an ad can be influenced.
If creativity in an ad can spark excitement and
relevance to the consumer, the more likely they are
to be engaged.
Creative Thinking
 Creative thinking means thinking outside the box.
Often, creativity involves lateral thinking, which is
the ability to perceive patterns that are not
 Creative thinking might mean devising new ways
to carry out tasks, solve problems, and meet
challenges. It means bringing a fresh, and
sometimes unorthodox, perspective to your work.

This way of thinking can help departments and

How Creative Thinking Works

Opportunities for creative thought in the

workplace vary from obvious artistic
positions to highly technical ones.
Generally, anything that involves an “aha”
moment is considered creative.
Here are some examples of how to display
creative thinking in different jobs:

• Artistic Creativity
• Creative Problem-Solving
• Creative in Stem
Creative Strategy and
A creative strategy defines the Creative execution refers to the
important strategic choices manner in which a marketing
required to develop a marketing communication appeal is carried
message. The creative strategy out or presented. A particular
(often called a copy or advertising marketing communication appeal
strategy) defines what you will say can be executed in a variety of
about your product or service. It ways and a particular means of
explains how you want consumers execution can be applied to a
to think about your Brand. variety of marketing
communication appeals.
What is a creative brief?
● A creative brief is a document used to outline
the strategy of a creative project. A creative
brief contains project details including the
project’s purpose, goals, requirements,
messaging, demographics, and other key
information. Usually developed in the project
initiation phase, a creative brief will help a
creative team better understand a project from
the start, and may be presented to key

stakeholders and clients.

Why do you need a creative brief?
• You need a plan.
• A well-written creative brief will save you
• Requests and approvals will get processed
• The final product will be higher quality.
What is in a creative brief?
When writing a creative brief, be sure you
don’t miss the following three items that get
left out of briefs far too often. Believe it or
not, these items can make the difference
between a struggling content project and
highly effective one.
● Project context and
● Target audience.
● Deliverable description.
● Messaging.
● Brand/campaign details.
● Core business objective.
● Stakeholders. 8. Due date.
● Publication or promotion

Who should fill out the creative brief?
Is it the client?
Is it a creative director?
The account manager?
The designer or writer assigned to the project?
The answer is, it depends. If you're an agency or an in-house
agency the best practice is to have the representative from client
services or the assigned account manager meet together with
the client to go through the creative brief. It may make sense for
your agency to include the creative director in this process as

well to make sure everyone has a sound understanding of the

project requirements.

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