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Acts 18
To Corinth
Paul moved next to the city of Corinth.
Corinth is on a neck of land that stands
between the Aegean and Mediterranean
Today a canal has been cut through the
rock that saves 300 k. of travel for ships
going to Rome.
But in those good had to be carried
Corinth became a thriving city of 300,000

Greece Athens
Small Beginnings
When Paul got to Corinth he was alone
(Silas/Timothy had not yet joined him)
Further, his money had run out.
So Paul started working together with a
tent maker couple: Aquila and his wife
Every Sabbath, he reasoned with the Jews
and Greeks.
When his colleagues came down to join
him, he left of working and devoted his full
time to preaching.
As could be predicted, the Jews started to
oppose him and even began to blaspheme
Paul said: "Your blood be on your own
heads! I am clear of my responsibility.
From now on I will go to the Gentiles.“
Paul moved out of the synagogue and
into a private home where he set up a
Bible school which lasted for 18 months.
Many Corinthians heard the Gospel,
believed and were baptized.
What we don’t pick up in the story is that
Paul was reaching his “all time low” in
Later when he wrote to them, he told them,
“I was with you in weakness, and in fear,
and in much trembling.” 1Co 2:3
This doesn’t sound like the Paul we know.
But it does sound like the constant hostility
from his own people, the imprisonments, the
beatings, the rejection by the philosophers –
all these things began to weight Paul down.
In the night, the Lord appeared to Paul in
a vision.
"Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do
not be silent. For I am with you, and no
one is going to attack and harm you,
because I have many people in this city."
Paul stayed on for a whole year and a
All this time he was teaching in his Bible
Paul Got a Hair Cut
At the end of this 18 months, when Paul
was about to leave the area, we read:
Before he sailed, he had his hair cut off at
Cenchrea because of a vow he had taken.
It is curious that we see Paul getting a
hair cut – because of a vow he had taken.
What vow? When?
The story is hidden but we think it is
When Paul was at the low point of his
discouragement, he had that vision.
The Lord said, “Paul do NOT be afraid.”
It seems that at that time, Paul took a
vow – and started to grow his hair long.
All the time he was at Corinth – his hair
was growing.
But when he got ready to leave for
Jerusalem, Paul got his hair cut.
The Nazarite Vow
There is only one kind of vow that we
know about which forbade someone to
cut their hair.
It was the Nazarite vow described in
Numbers 6
It could be taken for two reasons:
Either a thank offering to God – OR
It went with a special time of renewed
dedication to God
Paul’s Vow
The law was clear. Anyone taking this
vow would:
Refrain from any wine, raisins, or grapes.
They would not touch a dead body.
They would not allow their hair to be shaven.
At the end of the vow, they had to take
their hair to the temple and burn it on the
This meant that they were burned up
themselves in dedication to God.
Paul’s Vow
It seems that is exactly what Paul was
As he went through the time of
depression, he renewed his vows to God.
He grew his hair long – then cut it off and
headed for Jerusalem.
When he reached Jerusalem, he must
have gone to the temple and burned his
hair on the altar.
From that point on, Paul was as bold as a
The Incident with Gallio
While Paul was at Corinth, the Jews
brought a united attack against him.
They accused Paul before the Roman
Proconsul, Gallio – well known to Nero.
"This man, is persuading the people to
worship God in ways contrary to the law."
As Paul was about to defend himself,
Gallio dismissed the case saying it was
nothing more than a dispute about Jewish
laws and rites.
He wanted nothing to do with it.
Back to Antioch
Paul said goodbye to the Corinthians
promising to return.
He sailed to Ephesus where he left
Priscilla and Aquila and then on to
Before he went to Antioch to report to his
church, he went UP to Jerusalem.
Why did he go?
Probably to finish the sacrificial vow he
had taken in Corinth.

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