Team Foundation Server: The Answer To All Project Management Problems?

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Team Foundation Server

the answer to all project management problems? 

Richard Fennell
• The Need for TFS
• Core Components of TFS
• Add-ins and the API
• The future – Orcas and beyond
Software Projects Need...
• Source Code Control
• Work Item tracking
• Project Management
• Document repositories
• Communications
• Remote Access
Visual Studio Team System
Application Life Cycle Management (ALM) Solution

Project Team System
Web Access

Operations, QA and
Help Desk Non-Microsoft
Team System Architecture
Business User Dev Team (Local)
Dev Team (Remote)

Build Server

Win 2003 Server

SQL Server 2005
IIS 6.0

Version Control
Active Directory Proxy (Remote)


Team Foundation Server

System Requirements
• Team Foundation Server 1.0
– early 2006
• Team Foundation Server 1.0 SP1
– late 2006
• Team Foundation Server Orcas Beta 1
– Q2 2007
• Team Foundation Server 2008
– late 2007 or early 2008
Installation Tips
• Read and follow the MSDN walk-thru
• Do not deviate from the walk-thru
• Not even for a moment
• And keep trying over and over......

• Using a VPC for the front end server can help

as you can commit/roll back as you go.
Installation Tips
• Make sure there are no domain/group policies
you have forgotten
• If the reporting service configuration stage
fails make sure you drop (and delete) the DB
• Use the log files if you have problems
• Use AD groups for security
TFS & VSS Differences
• Architecture
– TFS: client/server, VSS: client-side
• Security
– Windows/AD vs. VSS based security
• Reliability
– VSS database integrity can be compromised
– TFS uses SQL Server
• Scalability
– TFS can support up to 2000 user per instance and data
size is limited only by physical media & SQL Server
limits ( in the terabytes)
TFS & VSS Differences
• TFS does NOT perform a “get latest” on
– “get latest” and “check out” are 2 separate ops
– “get latest” is explicit in TFS, controlled by the user
– Provides a consistent snapshot of code
• TFS does NOT add a file until checked in
Migration from VSS to TFS

• VSSConverter migration tool

• Imports VSS repository into TFS
• Command line interface
• Can migrate most VSS repositories easily
– VSS Shared files are copied
– VSS Pinned items are labeled as “PINNED” in TFS
• Workspaces provide Isolated areas
• A single PC can have many workspaces
• Workspaces are a powerful tool with
• Allows parallel development
• But for anything that you don't want to
service or patch, labelling is sufficient. 
• For a release that you do want to service or
patch, branching is the way to go. 

• Using merging, you can move changes

between branches.

Visual Studio & TFS

TFS Tools & Add-ins
Visual Studio Power Toys
• MSSCCI provider for other IDEs
• Team Foundation Power Toys
– Tfpt.exe command line tools
– Process Template Editor
– Check In Policy Pack
– Test Tools Build Task
Cool Tool – Attrice Team Foundation
Cool Tool - TeamPlain Web Access
Cool Tool - eScrum
Integration with Project Server
• Project Server 2007 VSTS Connector available
on CodePlex
• Process Template Editor – Power Toys
• TFS Event Handlers
– Attach to TFS’s eventing Service and register for an
event such as CheckInEvent
– Write a web service to that ‘does something’
when event trigger
– See my DDD4 presentation on Continuous
Integration for a sample
Using the TFS API
• Team Explorer installs all the DLLs are in the
GAC, but doesn’t registered them for Visual
• Can write own desktop clients to do anything
you can in Team Explorer or the command line
Other Cool Tools
• SVNBridge – Allows SubVersion client to access
• Conchango’s Scrum Project Guidance Pack
• Personify Design’s TeamLook Outlook Addin
• Microsoft Israel’s Team System Outlook Addin
• TeamPrise Client Suite – TFS access from Macs,
Linux and Eclipse IDE

• NB all clients still need a Team Explorer CAL

So what is missing in TFS 1.0?
• TFS Work Item Hierarchy
• WSS 3.0 Support
• Disconnected working is limited
• I am sure other people have other issues.....
The Future for TFS
• Release Types
– Servicing : Service Packs etc.
– Out of Band releases: Power Toys
– Major Releases: Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio 2008 Administration
• Share Point 2007 support
• Enable use of a separate Share Point farm.
• Support for SQL Named Instances
• “Longhorn” server support
• Sync Large Groups (~30,000 or more)
• Installation on a domain controller
• Non-default ports & web sites
• Simplify installation
• Upgrade from TFS 2005
Visual Studio 2008 Version Control
• Add support for checkin policy overrides to the
warehouse (an oversight from V1).
• Annotate & Folder Diff
• Destroy
• Get Latest On Checkout
• Workspace improvements
• Performance & Scale improvements
• Migration toolkit between TFS and other systems
Visual Studio 2008 Build
• Support multi-threaded builds with the new MSBuild.
• Continuous Integration
• Improved ability to specify what source, versions of
source, and other build properties.
• Improved ability to manage multiple build machines.
• Stop and delete builds from within VS.
• Simplified ability to specify what tests get run as part
of a build.
• The ability to store build definitions anywhere in the
version control hierarchy
Cool Tool - Team Build Ticker
So is TFS the answer to all project
management problems?
Good VSTS Resources
• Patterns & Practices Team Development with TFS

• “How Do I?” Video for Visual Studio Team System


• Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Virtual Labs


• Team System Widgets

Good VSTS Blogs
• Brian Harry (Product Unit Manager for Team
Foundation Server )
• Rob Caron (Lead Product Manager for Developer
Content Strategy at Microsoft)
• Roy Osherove (Blog on TFS, Agile and Testing)
For Further Information
• My random thoughts ‘But it works on my PC!’

• You can also get in touch via:

Email –
WebSite –

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