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Adaptation Solutions

Challenges in Nature

All animals, big or small,

flying or swimming,
have certain problems
they have to deal with
on a daily basis in order
to survive.
Issues to Overcome
1. Avoiding Predators
2. Eating the Right Food
3. Forming Friendships
4. Providing help to Children and other Relatives
5. Communicating with other people
6. Selecting mates
Animal Adaptation
Not all animals live the
same way. They come in
different shapes and
sizes. Animals also have
features and behaviors
that allows them to be
better suited for their
Living Together
-May be able to benefit each
hesesho other by spending time with
each other, help each other
find food, defend against
predators, and care for the

-there are different types of

community: herds, colonies,
etc. but the most common
one is nuclear families
-when an animal has the
ability to blend into its
surroundings to avoid

-Zebras have stripes to look

more like a mass of black
and white stripes instead of
yummy prey

-Can you find the OWL???

(bottom picture)
Animals mimic their parents
Just like humans, animals also mimic
their parents. Baby animals learn to
eat, walk, and communicate from
watching their parents. The baby
also may have the same looks as the
mom and dad.
Animals learn from their parents

Right when they are born,

baby animals watch their
parents and learn to walk
and eat. Humans do the
same thing during childhood.

This elephant is munching on

a yummy tree that his
parents showed him. →
Singing is important!
This type of bird teaches their young
to sing. They sing to communicate
and find a mate. Chirp! Chirp!
How are you Similar to Your PARENTS?!
What is a Gene?
● Its pronounced like the jeans you wear
to school, but they are in your cells,
● Your body carries about 25,000 -
35,000 genes!
● Genes carry information to make YOU!
● Every trait is carried in a gene
● All animals and plants have genes too!

Why do I look like my Mom more?
● Genes have stronger, more
common genes are the
Dominate genes
● The more uncommon traits
are the Recessive genes.
● Usually you show the
Dominant gene, and the
Recessive gene is hiding.
Can you Spot the Similarities?
Animals Humans
We have learned how to survive better by
copying animals
We wear clothes to keep us warm as animals
have fur to keep them warm
We have built tools to copy animals

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