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Learning Theories

John Charles Lobo

MBA Jan 2021 Batch
• Introduction

I. Classical conditioning,
II. Operant conditioning,
III. Cognitive learning and
IV. Social learning

• Learning & Organizational Behavior

• Conclusion

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Introduction | Learning

Learning is a process by which new behaviors are acquired.

It involves changes in behavior, practicing new behaviors and establishing

permanency in the change.

Any permanent change in behavior of a person that occurs as result of


Learning has taken place if an individual behaves, reacts, respondents as a

result of experience in a manner different from the way he formerly behaved

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I. Classical Conditioning
• Discovered by Russian psychologist Ian Pavlov(1955)
• Discovered how automatic reactions may be associated with
nonautomatic responses
• It is the first type of learning to be studied within the behaviorist

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Classical Conditioning | In an organisation

• Example 1: Washing of Windows

• Example 2: Fixed Meeting

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II. Operant conditioning
• First studied by Edward Thorndike
and later by B.F. Skinner, the
underlying idea behind operant
conditioning is that the
consequences of our actions shape
voluntary behavior.
• Operant conditioning argues that
behavior is a function of its
consequences. Operant

• Thus the relationship between Reinforcement Punishment

behavior and consequences is the
essence of the operant conditioning. Positive Positive

Negative Negative

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Operant conditioning| In an organization
• Communication with Superiors
• Appraisal System in an organization

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III. Cognitive learning
• The pioneer of cognitive learning theory is Edward Tolman.
• Developed by Wolfgang Kohler- German psychologist
• The cognitive theory recognizes the role of an organism in receiving,
memorizing, retrieving and interpreting the stimulus and reacting to it.

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Cognitive learning | In an organization
• Goal Setting & KPI
• Training programmes on Safety

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IV. Social learning
• Experiment was developed by Albert Bendura who was a Canadian-
American Psychologist
• This theory states that people learn from both observation and direct
• By observing people around us, mostly from our families, friends, peers
colleagues, etc.

Attention Reproductio
Observation Retention Motivation

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Social learning | In an organization
• Meetings –Observing Colleagues
• Rewards & Recognition

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Learning & Organizational Behaviour

• Behavior can be improved by following the listed tips −

• Valuing employee productivity

• Improving employee discipline by dealing with employee’s undesirable

behavior, drinking at workplace, coming late, etc. by taking appropriate
actions like discussions in open forums & Pep talks

• Developing training programs more often so as to grab the trainees’

attention, provide required motivational properties.

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In Conclusion

They way the learning theories are applied in an organization play pivotal

role in inculcating company values in its workforce thereby fostering a

dynamic and healthy work environment.

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Thank You

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