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Chapter 22 & 23 (Kinetics of Materials)

Rommel Paulo B. Viloan

MSE 233

 ¦e restrict ourselves to t¦o cases: ¦ 
          , and
    ¦  .

@@   |   
ºn Fig. 22.1a one-
dimensional solidification is
depicted; a liquid binary
alloy initially of uniform
composition co is placed in
a bar-shaped crucible of
length L. The bar is
progressively cooled from
one end, so it solidifies
from one end to the other
¦ith a stable and planar
liquid/solid interface.

@@   |   

@@   |   
Dt a relatively short time after the establishment of the quasi-steady-state
concentration spike, the flux relative to an origin at the interface moving at
velocity v is,

The diffusion equation in the liquid is,

General solution

@@   |   

Substituting CL(x) and using

The effective partition ratio, k͛, is defined as the ratio of the

concentration in the solid being formed over the concentration in
the bulk liquid. Therefore,

@@   |   
ºf the concentration spike moves by dx, the amount of solute that must be
rejected into the liquid is

The slo¦ly changing concentration in the bulk liquid is represented by

The change in concentration in the liquid is then


Distribution of solute after the solidification å

@@   |   
T¦o limiting forms of the Scheil Equation,

Lack of convection
High solidification rate
Slo¦ rate of diffusion in the liquid
cSL = co
the composition of the solid being formed and
the composition of the bulk liquid are the same

@@   |   
T¦o limiting forms of the Scheil Equation,

There is then rapid mixing in the liquid, the diffusion barrier is

nonexistent, and there can be a large difference bet¦een the
compositions of the solid being formed and the bulk liquid,
depending on the factor k.

@@   |   
T¦o limiting forms of the Scheil Equation,

@@  @          

Heating from one end

D melted zone of
length p is produced

The zone is then moved along the entire specimen

at a constant rate ¦hile keeping l constant.
@@  @          
The zone is generally much longer than the ¦idth of the liquid boundary layer
(i.e., 1 >> ·).
When the zone moves a distance dx, the amount of solute gained by the
zone is (cO - csL) dx, and therefore

cL is the concentration in the liquid in the zone.

Because the initial composition of the liquid in the zone is co. 12

@@  @          

@@  @          
When the zone length is relatively short, k͛ is large, and ¦hen the number
of passes is small, the bulk of the specimen solidifies at very nearly a
uniform composition corresponding to CO. Zone solidification can be used in
this manner to produce compositional uniformity, a technique kno¦n as 

@@ @ !      |  
@@ @            
When the liquid/solid interface is unstable (  ) a cellular or dendritic
structure is developed. When the degree of instability is relatively lo¦, an array of
protuberances develops on the interface. These protuberances, called cells,
advance perpendicular to the interface.

For <100> liquid/solid

interfaces in cubic metals.

@@ @            
Ho¦ever, for a <110> interface, the cells take on a corrugated configuration of long hills
and furro¦s. When the degree of instability is increased by increasing the rate of
solidification, fully formed dendrites develop.

@@ @            

@@ @ @ |  |        
During dendritic gro¦th, extensive solute segregation occurs in the
interdendritic spaces; this phenomenon is a serious problem in the casting of
alloys. The segregation occurs because of the tendency of the solidifying solid
to reject excess solute into the remaining liquid and can be understood using
the model developed to analyze plane-front solidification

@@  |   !  " 
Castings are typically produced by pouring liquid into a relatively cold mold
and allo¦ing solidification to take place. Heat is removed from the solidifying
material by conduction out through the mold.


 Precipitation occurs ¦hen a ne¦ phase forms
discontinuously ¦ithin a homogeneous
metastable phase to form a t¦o-phase
mixture of lo¦er energy. The process occurs
by the nucleation and gro¦th of particles
(precipitates) of the ne¦ phase embedded in
the original phase.

@  #      

@ @ $    %   %
|    : ɲ and ɴ-phase crystals have different compositions but still
match almost exactly in all three dimensions.

The critical nucleus can then form ¦ith a coherent interface and is therefore
of relatively lo¦ energy.

When there is no near lattice matching bet¦een precipitate and matrix

structures in any dimension, the interfacial energy ¦ill be relatively high. ºn
such cases, homogeneous nucleation ¦ill be slo¦ to occur and the
nucleation ¦ill be inhomogeneous.

@ @ $    %   %

  ! %
  # ¦
Oust after nucleation, a small coherent precipitate generally possesses both
interfacial energy and strain energy. ºts strain energy increases linearly ¦ith its
size. On the other hand, its total interfacial energy increases linearly ¦ith its area.

interfacial energy
Ho¦ever, the strain energy
dominates at small
becomes dominant as the
sizes ¦here the
size increases. Nuclei and
small-sized precipitates
ratio is large.
therefore tend to be
coherent because this
minimizes the interfacial
energy (and the total

- - -The End - - -
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