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Introduction to Nutrition

Nutrition (Pemakanan)

 How food choice effect our health ?

 Wrong food intake could influence whether we will get certain disease – heart
disease, cancer, & stroke (3 biggest killers).
 Many people eat to much of sodium (salt), saturated fat, sugar.
 Lack – vegetables, fruits, grains.
 Obesity/ overweight / other related illness continues rise.
(World Health Organization, 2018)
The relationship between nutrition and human disease
The relationship between nutrition and
human disease
Basic Nutrition Concepts
 Food
 Refers to the plants and animals we consume.
 These foods contain the energy and nutrients.

 Nutrition
 Science studies on food.
 Study on how nourishes our bodies and influences our health.
 Identifies the processes by which we consume, digest, metabolize, and store the
nutrients in foods, and how these nutrients affect our bodies.
 The foods we eat contain nutrients.
 Nutrients:
 Chemicals found in foods that are critical to human growth and function.
 Are substances required by the body to perform its basic functions.
 Nutrients must be obtained from diet, since the human body does not synthesize them.
 The six groups of nutrients found in foods are:
 carbohydrates
 lipids (including fats and oils)
 proteins
 vitamins
 minerals
 water
 Macronutrients:
 Nutrients that the body requires in relatively large amounts to support normal
function and health.
 Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
 Micronutrients:
 Nutrients needed in relatively small amounts to support normal health and body
 Vitamins and minerals
You are what you eat

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