Welwyn Garden City: England, UK

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Garden City
England, UK.
Welwyn Garden City
About town • Welwyn Garden City
is the largest
• Development of settlement in the
Welwyn Garden City borough. The
began in the 1920s and population of
was built according to Welwyn Garden City
the vision of Sir in 2011 has been Population Area
Ebenezer Howard, estimated at 46,500 -
founder of the Garden 42.1% of the
borough's total • Designed for 40,000 • Land area : 2400
City movement, a population. acres
unique heritage which population.
makes the town
famous around the

Welwyn Garden City History
In 1919, Howard arranged for the purchase of land in Hertfordshire that had
 Purchase of land
1919 already been identified as a suitable site.

 On 29 April 1920 a company, Welwyn Garden City Limited, was formed to plan and build
Completion of Project
1920 the garden city, chaired by Sir Theodore Chambers.

In 1948, Welwyn Garden City was designated a new town under the 
New Town Design
1948 New Towns Act 1946 and the Welwyn Garden City company handed its assets to
the Welwyn Garden City Development Corporation

Handing Over of
Project 1966 In 1966, the Development Corporation was wound up and handed over to the 
Commission for New Towns.

A shopping mall, the Howard Centre, was built in the 1980s, incorporating a replacement f
Shopping Mall
1980 the original "temporary" railway station.

Letchworth Garden city Architects & Designers

01. Founded by Ebenezer Howard

Founded by Sir Ebenezer Howard in 1920’s following his
previous experiment in Letchworth Garden City. It was the
Second Garden city in England.

Master Plan Louis de Soissons

02. On 29 April 1920 a company, Welwyn Garden City Limited,
was formed to plan and build the garden city, chaired by Sir
Theodore Chambers. Louis de Soissons was appointed as
architect and town planner.

Operating bodies :
03. C.B Purdom was appointed as finance director
and Frederic Osborn as secretary.[3][4] The first
house was occupied just before Christmas 1920.

Concept of garden city

 Ebenezer Howard's vision for He illustrated the idea To build upon and
garden cities was to provide with his famous Three respect the unique
people with decent places to live Magnets diagram which heritage and design of
away from the poor living addressed the question the town and to protect
conditions of Victorian cities and 'Where will the people the ‘quality of place’ in
rural poverty in a place that go?', the choices being Welwyn Garden City.
combined the best features of 'Town', 'Country' or
towns and the best features of 'Town-Country'
the country with jobs, health,
social and recreational facilities
close at hand - a town designed
for healthy living.  5
Concept of garden city

 To ensure that the town To maintain a balanced To develop new

centre remains the focus supply of employment neighbourhoods and
for retail development in land to fulfil the town’s neighbourhood
order to maintain its role as role as a key centre for extensions
a leading shopping employment in the masterplanned
destination and deliver the area. according to Garden City
town centre strategy. Principles.

• The town centre comprises a retail core built on a grid pattern
with four main arteries (Howardsgate, Wigmores North and
South, Parkway and Fretherne Road/Stonehills)
• surrounded by areas of mixed commercial, cultural, community
and civic uses which act as a transition zone to the adjoining
residential areas.
• Within this boundary there are a number of sub areas, each of
which contain a different range of uses and serves a particular
function within the town centre. 
• The Core Retail Zone identifies the core of the town centre, the
main role of which is for shopping. 
• There are also a number of complementary uses that include
food and drink, service, office and residential uses that support
the retail function. 
• It is also the hub for the town's passenger transport services
including the railway station, bus interchange and taxi rank. 
• This area is the preferred location for retail uses, as well as
supporting uses that can enhance the vitality and viability of the
town centre. 
• The boundaries of the town centre boundary and the Core Retail
Zone are defined on the Policies Map.
Welwyn Architectural style

Separation of the pedestrian Stanborough Park managed by

Open and green
walkways from the main roads spaces are Given on a 'Better' and the lake is the home of
gives a sense of natural beauty. Welwyn Garden City Sailing Club 
large scale.
01 03 05 07
02 04 06

Personalization of Homes in The town also boasts a Concert The railway station is in

Streets are designed so as to the town centre.
Welwyn with varying roofline, Club, which promotes chamber
give the concept of a
texture and composition for each music recitals, and a Male Voice 9
Neighborhood unit.
house. Choir.
Welwyn garden city
Architectural features

01. A formal layout and architectural style, particularly in the centre

02. The complete integration of the town's landscape into its built form

Careful and varied use of spaces, groupings of buildings, building lines and
architectural details

Beautifully and imaginatively designed homes with gardens, combining the very best of
town and country living to create healthy homes in vibrant communities
The key to the problem how to
restore the people to the land —
that beautiful land of ours, with
its canopy of sky, the air that
blows upon it, the sun that
warms it, the rain and dew that
moisten it — the very
embodiment of Divine love for
man — is indeed a Master-




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