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ABB Basic

Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội

• Overview of the Controller
• Operating Mode
• Overview of the FlexPendant
• Overview of the FlexPendant window
• Emergency Stop
• Enabling Device (Dead Mans Grip)
• Direction of rotation of robot axes
• How to Jogging?
• Coordinate System
• Tool Coordinate
• Work Object Coordinate
• Examples with Move function
• Overview of the move function
• How to save the Position?
• practice
• Palletizing (only move Commend)
• If and Compact If
• Label and GOTO
• Offs and Add
• Palletizing (Use the System Command)
Overview of the Controller


1. Robot power cable

2. Robot encoder cable
3. FlexPendant cable
4. Controller power cable
5. Power switch
6. Power on button
7. Change of mode key
Operating Mode

1. Automatic mode
1) Production mode (no speed limit)
2. Manual mode
1) < 250 mm/s – max velocity 250 mm/s
2) 100 % – Option, robot can be jogged/tested with
no speed limit.
Overview of the FlexPendant

1 2

3 4


1. Window
2. 4 Hard keys for fast access
3. Function change keys
4. 3-way joy stick
5. 4 Hard keys for running programs
1) Start
2) Execute Backward/Forward
3) Stop program
Overview of the FlexPendant window


3 4

1. Main menu
2. Status bar
3. Windows style (switch between open windows/views)
4. Quickset Menu
Emergency Stop

1. Built in emergency stop pushbuttons are found

both on the FlexPendant and Controller-X-module as
2. Extra emergency stops can be connected to the
robot systems safety chain.
Enabling Device (Dead Mans Grip)

1. The enabling device is a press switch with three

2. The switch must be in the middle positions in
order to activate the motors
3. All robot movement will immediately stop if the
switch is released or pressed to the bottom
Direction of rotation of robot axes
How to Jogging?

1. Turn the manual mode in controller

2. If motor has off in controller, press the motor on
button in controller
3.Touch the menu
4.Touch the Jogging
1. Check the manual or auto and motor on or off
from Status bar
2. If manual and motor on. You can moving the robot
3. Touch the Each Item, and select the what you
want item
Coordinate System

1. World, Base is System Coordinate

2. Tool, User, Object is setting from user
Tool Coordinate

1. Manu -> Program Data -> tooldata -> Show Data

2. New -> Ok -> Edit -> Define
3. Select the method (TCP & Z) -> Select the points
3 points Elongator Point Z

4. Move the Robot and Touch the Modify Position.

5. And Touch the Ok
6. Check the Coordinate
Work Object Coordinate

1. Manu -> Program Data -> wobjdata -> Show Data

2. New -> Ok -> Edit -> Define
3. Select the method (3 Points)
4. Move the Robot and Touch the Modify Position.
5. And Touch the Ok
6. Check the Coordinate
Examples with Move function

• MoveL is move the linear

• MoveC is move the circle

p10 p20

• MoveJ is used to move the robot quickly from one

point to another when that movement does not
have to be in a straight line
Overview of the move fnuction

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Move type
2. Position name
3. Velocity Date
4. Zone Data
5. Tool Data
6. Work Object Data

• Zone

MoveL p10,v1000,z50,tool0;
MoveL p20,v1000,fine,tool0;

Predefined zonedata Value

fine The robot will go to exactly the specified position

z10 The robot path can cut corners when it is less than 10
mm from ToPoint.
z50 The robot path can cut corners when it is less than 50
mm from ToPoint.
How to save the Position?

1. Manu -> Program Editot

2. Add Instruction -> MoveJ(or C or L)
3.If have some window message “Do you want insert
the instruction above or below the currently
selected one?”, Select the Above or Below.
1. Touch the “*” and NEW
2. Write the name and Touch the OK
3. Touch the OK one more time
1. Touch the “*” and NEW
2. Write the name and Touch the OK
3. Touch the OK one more time
4. Change the each different position block in same
1. Touch the position block
2. Move the robot in jog
3. Touch the Modify Position
4. If Have window “This operation can not be
undone Tap Modify to change the position (name).”
select the Modify or Cancel
5. Change the each different position block in same
6. Press the Forward Key and check the position
1. Change the operation mode from auto to manual

* when you have the change the mode and finish

the ready, controller status is motor on

2. Press the enable switch and Check the motor on

in status bar

3. Turn on the Jogging window in Felxpendnat


4. Moving the robot and Check the axis variable

5. Change the coordinate and moving the robot

6. Close the All window and Go to the main window

7. Add the your tool coordinate and setting the


8. Add the your wobj coordinate and setting the

Palletizing (only move Commend)


Put5 Put1

Put6 Put2

Put7 Put3

Put8 Put4

1. When start the program, Robot move the Get

position (pos)
2. Next Robot move the From Put1 to Put8
3. Robot move the Get pos, before move the Put
Ex) Get -> Put1 -> Get -> Put2 -> Get -> … -> put8
If and Compact If

1. IF (Condition) THEN

2. IF (Condition) THEN
ELSE (Condition)

3. IF (Condition) ….

1. WHILE (Condition) DO
(instruction list)

2. FOR (loop variable) FROM (expression) to (expression) DO

(instruction list)
Label and GOTO

1. Label is Line name

2. GOTO is Jump the Line name

Offs and Add

1. Offs (pos name, pos x, pos y, pos z)

2. Add (variable), (Num)

Palletizing (Use the System Command)

Put5 Put1 Get

Put6 Put2

Put7 Put3
Put8 Put4

1. Robot moving is same.

2. Add program the System Commend

• Get one time, reg1 is add the 1

• reg1 = 1 -> Put1/ reg = 3 -> Put3
• If reg1 = 8 -> reg1 = 0
• Robot going the all position, Robot is stop and
program is finish
Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội

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