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Blood and Circulation

Blood is carried around the body in

arteries, veins and capillaries.
a. Describe two ways in which the structure
of an artery is adapted to its function.
b. Describe the differences between arteries
and veins.
c. Describe two ways in which the structure
of a capillary is adapted to its function.
Arteries take blood away from the heart to
the organs and other body tissues.
Arteries have a narrow internal
diameter and thick muscular walls. This
allows them to carry blood that is at a high

Arteries Veins
They are thick walled They are thin walled

Arteries have no valves They have valves

Send blood from heart Send blood to heart

Lumen diameter narrow Lumen diameter wide

Blood pressure high Blood pressure low

Arteries carry oxygenated Veins carry the deoxygenated

blood to all body parts. blood to the heart.
Capillaries carry blood to and from the
body's cells. The structure of capillaries
makes them very well suited for this
function. As capillaries are only one cell
thick and have very thin permeable walls
this means that substances can diffuse
out of them very easily.

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