Short-Range Forces, Van Der Waals Forces, Electrostatic Forces, Capillary Forces

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Atomic Force Microscopy

Near-Field Forces
• The AFM uses a very sharp tip to probe and map sample topography

• Near-field forces that are Short-Range Forces, van der Waals Forces, Electrostatic
Forces, Capillary Forces

Short-Range Forces
The short-range forces refer to atomic forces between atoms when their distance is close to atomic
The attractive short-range forces are in the range of 0.5–1 nN per pair of interactive atoms between a
typical tip and a sample.
Van der Waals Forces
The van der Waals forces are the interactive forces between dipoles of molecules.
H is the Hamasker constant, d is the spacing between tip and sample, the tip
radius is R, the van der Waals forces are around 2 nN

Electrostatic Forces
Electrostatic forces refer to the interactive forces between the electric charges of tip
and sample

Capillary Forces
Capillary forces are forces resulting from water vapor condensation between tip and
Capillary force between the tip and sample
due to water formation between them
Force Sensors

Detection of cantilever deflection by a

laser beam reflected from the rear side of
the cantilever. The reflection is measured
by four-quadrant photodiodes. Cantilever
deflection is converted to the change in
beam position by photodiodes. t, l, and
w, cantilever dimensions; h, distance
from back of cantilever to probe tip.
Operational Modes
Static Contact Modes, Dynamic Operational Modes - Force Modulation, Dynamic
Noncontact Mode, Tapping Mode, Force Modulation

Typical Applications

Static Mode
The static contact mode is the simplest mode to use for obtaining basic topographic
information of solid surfaces.

Topography of crystalline polyethylene.

Dynamic Noncontact Mode
The dynamic noncontact mode can provide atomic resolution in an ultrahigh vacuum

A noncontact mode image of a hydrogen-

terminated silicon monohydride surface.

Tapping Mode
The tapping mode is becoming popular for topographic measurements.

Tapping-mode image of multiple layers of Al

x Ga (1 − x) N deposited on a sapphire

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