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Cuckoo Hashing :

Hardware Implementations
Adam Kirsch
Michael Mitzenmacher
• Hash tables are ubiquitous.
• Highly useful in router hardware.
– Measurement and monitoring tasks.
• Desiderata:
– Few (parallel) memory accesses.
– High space utilization.
– Low failure probability.
– Hardware-level simplicity.
• What are good hash table designs for hardware?
State of the Art :
Multiple Choice Hashing
• Each element placed in least loaded of d
locations. (If 1 element/cell, look for 1
empty cell out of d.)
Cuckoo Hashing and Moves
• Cuckoo hashing paradigm: give each
element d choices, and move elements
among choices as needed.
Original Cuckoo Hashing
• 2 subtables, left and right. Each element gets one
location per subtable.
• Place new element in left subtable.
– If element already there, kick it out, move to right
– If element already there, kick it out, move to left
– Until everything placed.
• Works with high probability as long as load is less
than ½.
Better Cuckoo Hashing
• More choices
• More elements per bucket
• Generally kick out a random item.
• Such schemes are not fully analyzed.
What’s Wrong with Cuckoo Hashing?
• Lots of moves per insert in worst case.
– Average is constant.
– But maximum is Omega(log n) with non-trivial
(inverse-poly) probability.
• Router hardware settings: may need
bounded number of memory accesses per
Moves Needed per Insertion
The Power of One Move
• Previous work (submitted): How much gain from
allowing just one move?
• Framework: allow small content-addressable
memory (CAM) to handle unsolvable collisions
[max 0.2%].
• Multiple schemes analyzed.
• With 4 choices, insertions only (no deletions),
factor of 2 or larger improvement in space.
Pros/Cons of One Move Systems
• Pros
– Simple to implement
– Efficient
– High space utilization for insertion-only
– Analyzable and optimizable
• Cons
– Performance suffers in settings with churn
– Better space utilization possible with more moves
The New Idea
• Use the CAM as a queue for move operations.
• Lookup: check the hash table and the CAM-
• Try move operations from queue as available.
– Move attempt = 1 parallel memory lookup.
• De-amortization
– Use queue to make worst-case performance same
as average-case performance.
Queue Policy
• Key point: better to give priority to “new”
insertions over moves.
– New moves have d choices; moves effectively have d
– 1.
• Intuition suggests older items may be less likely to
be successfully placed.
– True in practice.
• Full priority queue may be too complex.
• Simple strategy: new items placed at front, failed
moves places at back.
Probability of Success vs. Age
Experimental Evaluation
• Table of size 32768, 4 subtables.
• Target utilization u.
• Insert 32678u elements, then alternate
insertions/deletions to get to steady state.
• Allow ops queue operations (parallel
memory operations) per insertion.
• Currently we do not know how to analyze such
– For d > 2 choices, lots of open questions in cuckoo
hashing analysis.
– Analyzing d = 2 may be possible, but very low space
• See [Kutzelnigg], asymptotic analysis of cuckoo hashing.
• Need to understand distribution of move
operations/element to analyze queue.
Conclusions and Open Questions
• Moving elements leads to much better space utilization in hash
tables, at a price.
• Cuckoo hashing appears implementable, with per-insert move
guarantees based on de-amortization via a CAM
• Analysis in an idealized model?
– Even analysis for basic cuckoo hashing open.
• Performance on real traffic?
– Bursty insertions/deletions?
– Distribution of element lifetimes?
• Proper sizing of CAM queue?
– How does overflow probability scale?

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