3a. Bahan Bakar

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Gaseous Fuels
• Natural gas
• Liquified Petroleum Gas (C3 + C4)
• Producer gas
• Biogas
Heating Value
• Heating Value = the heat release per unit mass when the
fuel initially at 25 C reacts completely with oxygen then
the products are returned to 25 C.
• Lower heating value (LHV) : when the water produced is
not condenseed
• Higher heting value (HHV) : when the water is
• LHV = HHV – (mH2O/mfuel)/hfg
• Hfg = latent heat of vaporization of water at 25C
Gaseous Fuels
(kcal/kg) (kcal/nm3) 1)
Fuel Gas
Gross Heating Values Net Heating Values Gross Heating Values Net Heating Values

Hydrogen 33,889 28,555 3,050 2,570

Methane 13,284 11,946 9,530 8,570

Ethane 12,400 11,350 16,700 15,300

Ethylene 12,020 11,270 15,100 14,200

Natural Gas ~12,000 ~11,000 ~9,000 ~8,000

Propane 12,030 11,080 24,200 22,250

Propylene 11,700 10,940 22,400 20,900

n-Butane 11,830 10,930 31,900 29,400

Iso-Butane 11,810 10,900 31,700 29,200

Butylene-1 11,580 10,830 29,900 27,900

Iso-Pentane (liquid) 11,600 10,730

LPG (average) 11,920 10,997 28,000 25,775

Acetylene 11,932 11,514 13,980 13,490

Carbon Monoxide 2,411 2,411 3,014 3,014

Liquid Fuels
• Gasoline, Diesel fuel, kerosin, avtur
• Alcohols (ethanol, methanol)
Solid Fuels
• Coal
• Biomass
Coal ranks
Carbon contents
• Anthracite
• Anthracite is coal with the highest carbon content, between 86 and 98 percent, and a heat value
of nearly 15,000 BTUs-per-pound. Most frequently associated with home heating, anthracite is a
very small segment of the U.S. coal market. There are 7.3 billion tons of anthracite reserves in
the United States, found mostly in 11 northeastern counties in Pennsylvania.

• Bituminous
• The most plentiful form of coal in the United States, bituminous coal is used primarily to generate
electricity and make coke for the steel industry. The fastest growing market for coal, though still a
small one, is supplying heat for industrial processes. Bituminous coal has a carbon content
ranging from 45 to 86 percent carbon and a heat value of 10,500 to 15,500 BTUs-per-pound.

• Subbituminous
• Ranking below bituminous is subbituminous coal with 35-45 percent carbon content and a heat
value between 8,300 and 13,000 BTUs-per-pound. Reserves are located mainly in a half-dozen
Western states and Alaska. Although its heat value is lower, this coal generally has a lower sulfur
content than other types, which makes it attractive for use because it is cleaner burning.

• Lignite
• Lignite is a geologically young coal which has the lowest carbon content, 25-35 percent, and a
heat value ranging between 4,000 and 8,300 BTUs-per-pound. Sometimes called brown coal, it is
mainly used for electric power generation.
Bahan bakar Cair
• Flammability

Diperlukan 3 komponen agar penyalaan

bisa terjadi:
• Bahan bakar
• Oxygen (dicampur dengan bahan bakar
dalam jumlah yang tepat) dan
• Sumber penyalaan .
Flash Point
Semua bahan bakar akan terbakar dalam bentuk gas/uap.Karakteristik
yang menunjukkan seberapa mudah bahan bakar berubah menjadi
fasa uap dinamakan flashpoint.
Flashpoint adalah suhu dimana bahan bakar dapat membentuk
cukup banyak uap dipermukaannya ,yang jika becampur dengan
udara akan membentuk campuran yang mudah menyala.

Jika suhu berada di bawah flashpoint , uap yang terbentuk tidak cukup
banyak untuk menghasilkan campuran yang bisa dinyalakan. Pada
suhu di bawah flashpoint, laju penguapannya terlalu rendah.
Flashpoint harus dibedakan dengan autoignition temperature
• Flammability Range

The flammability range of a gas is defined in

terms of its lower flammability limit (LFL) and its
upper flammability limit (UFL). The LFL of a gas
is the lowest gas concentration that will support
a self-propagating flame when mixed with air
and ignited. Below the LFL, there is not enough
fuel present to support combustion; the fuel/air
mixture is too lean.
Flamability Limit beberapa uap/gas pada suhu atmosfer
Volatilitas (Bensin/gasoline)
campuran dari
(ratusan??) jenis
Grafik volatilitas
penting untuk
mengetahui sifat
penguapan bahan
Jika fraksi ringan dominan:
•Mudah menguap
•Cepat bercampur dengan udara
•Starting dingin lebih baik
•Dalam penyimpanan banyak yg menguap

Fraksi berat dominan:..sebaliknya



Auto-ignition temperature adalah suhu minimum yang diperlukan

untuk mengawali terjadinya penyalaan dalam campuran bahan
bakar-udara tanpa adanya sumber penyalaan. Dengan perkataan
lain campuran itu menyala dengan sendirinya.

Each fuel has a unique ignition temperature. For hydrogen, the

auto-ignition temperature is relatively high at 585 ºC (1085 ºF).
This makes it difficult to ignite a hydrogen/air mixture on the basis
of heat alone without some additional ignition source. The auto-
ignition temperatures of comparative fuels are indicated in Table

Autoignition Temperature
Pada suhu “rendah”,
campuran uap
bb+udara perlu
sumber api untuk
Ada suhu tertentu
dimana bahan bakar
bisa menyala sendiri
tanpa adanya
sumber api ...suhu
ini disebut auto-
ignition temperature
• Dampak negatif dari adanya auto-ignition temperature adalah
terjadinya “knocking” di dalam silinder motor. Knocking
mengakibatkan turunnya efisiensi motor dan jika intensitasnya
tinggi dapat pula merusak motor.
• Di dalam motor bensin, bahan bakar karus memenuhi persyaratan
minimum agar terhindar dari fenomena ini. Kualitas itu dinyatakan
sebagai “Octane Number/ON”

Angka oktan menunjukkan sifat anti-knock dari bahan bakaar jika

dipergunakan di dalam motor bakar. Jika suhu campuran udara-bahan
bakar melampaui auto-ignition temperature, maka penyalaan spontan
akan terjadi.

The performance of the hydrocarbon octane is used as a standard to

measure resistance to knock, and is assigned a relative octane rating
of 100. Fuels with an octane number over 100 have more resistance to
auto-ignition than octane itself.
Angka Oktan
Octane Number vs Compression Ratio
Bahan Bakar Diesel
Bahan Bakar Diesel
Ignition Delay
Bahan bakar alternatif

• Alkohol (metanol, etanol)

• Hydrogen
• Gas alam

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