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Organization a unique set of personal characteristics, experiences from other Organization, the
environment surrounding the Organization and they also poses a personal background. In considering
the people working in an organization, organizational behavior must look at the unique perspective
that each individual brings to the work setting.

 But individuals do not work in isolation. They come in contact with other individuals and the
Organization in a variety of ways. Points of contact include managers, co-workers, formal policies and
procedures of the Organization, and various changes implemented by the Organization. Over time, the
individual, too, changes, as a function of both the personal experiences and the Organization.
 Occupational stress is a pervasive problem that has generated substantial research attention over the
past decade. Consistent exposure to stressful working conditions has been associated with both short-
and long-term individual reactions, including negative affect , job dissatisfaction , burnout , physical
symptoms , psychological strains and even iNCReased mortality rates. In addition to individual costs,
the direct and indirect cost of occupational stress incurred by organizations is estimated to be more
than $150 billion per year . Such estimates are predicated on the assumption that stress can lead to
outcomes such as iNCReased absenteeism, turnover, health care costs, and workplace accidents
The Research Objectives Are:


Work behavior , according to Stephen (2004), is a term used to describe describe
behavior one uses in the workplace and is normally formal compared to other types of
human behavior and this varies from one profession to the other. The world is looking
forward to high performance Organizations that would provide high job satisfaction to their
employees and would also cherish excellence and effectiveness. This could be achieved if we
could develop organizational behavior (OB). In the light of the above observation, present
research deals on the following.

 To study the effect of organizational behavior on size of organization.

 To study the significant difference of organizational behavior in different cities.
 To study the association between organizational behavior and employees behavior.
 To study the association between leadership of organization and job satisfaction of employees. 
 To study the effect of Evaluation and appraisal of employees on employees satisfaction.
 To study the effect of ethics and social responsibilities of organization on employees satisfaction.
 To study the significant difference among various dimensions of organizational behavior.
 Review of literature and other available information from various published and unpublished reports,
journals, periodicals, books, newspapers, etc. (including databases like EBSCO, Pro-quest, India Business
Insight Database and others.

The research instruments used for collecting primary data were – Questionnaire and Interviews.
 Measurement is done on 5 point scale

The questionnaire comprised of questions pertaining to: General Information

  Information related to type of industry
 Information related to Organizational Structure
 Information related to leadership
 Information related to implementation of Evaluation and appraisal
 Information related to supervisory style
 Information related to creativity stimulants
 Information related to employees behavior and satisfaction
 Information related to ethics & Social responsibilities
 Information related to teams and team work
 Information related to Absenteeism Information related to Attrition rate
 It is always desirable to conduct a pilot test before administering a questionnaire to the sample. The pilot
test has a role in ensuring that the instrument as a whole functions well without too much variations,
which would be difficult to measure.
  Since the study involves dimensions of organizational Culture and its impact on employees behavior in
pharmaceutical companies. A proper review of the questionnaire was made and a preliminary
examination of the questionnaire was conducted before data was collected by face to face interview of the

The purpose of the test was;

• To identify any scales those were difficult to comprehend or had redundant items and revise them
prior to conducting the interview of employees.
• For reliability testing
• For testing the correctness of the scales of measurement and validity evaluation
• Calculating the variability of population under survey
• Refine the questions to cover the indirect questions covering the purpose of data collection at the
same time not shooting direct questions to the employees
Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations on the dimensions of the organizational behavior could be drawn

 It is been observed that the Organizational Structure of the organizations should provide the employees all information required as being the
member of the organization. The roles and the responsibilities should be clearly defined to the employees of their respective organizations.
Policies for the hierarchy of communication should be framed by the organizations. Senior management should set high standards of excellence.
The organizations should have activities such as Corporate Social Responsibility.

 As far as Internal environment of the organization is concerned organization should provide complete information in time to the employees of
the organizations so that they can perform the job better and on time. The organizations should provide adequate resources to its employees so
that they can perform their work on time. The employees in the organizations should be given equal work load so that there is no work pressure
on few employees and the rest have no work to do.

 Talking about the Implementation of evaluation technique and appraisal system. It is suggested that it should be systematic so that the employees
get equal opportunities to perform better. The senior management should give feedback to the employees so that they can improve themselves
and get a chance to improve. Performance appraisal should be at least twice in 1 year or after every 3 months.

 It is observed that the monetary benefits provided by the organizations should be satisfactory for the employees in the organization. The
incentives provided by the organizations to the employees should also be satisfactory to the employees so that they get motivated to work in the
organizations. The organizations should provide extra benefits such as fringe benefits.

• In case of absenteeism the employees should be given a compensatory leave in case they are required overtime in their job. They should be given
flexibility in taking leave whenever they want. Ample of opportunities should be provided by the organizations for the advancement of their

• The organizations should give low work pressure to the employees working in their organizations. The organizations should work hard for
retaining their employees in their organizations so that the attrition rate is reduced and the employees are satisfied with their respective jobs and
don’t leave their job.
The analyzed data were finally interpreted to draw the conclusions and reported with the
objective of the study in view.
• The study is restricted to only selected locations of Delhi NCR.
• The researcher has used selected Companies Delhi NCR for survey this may be inadequate to
generalize the results on the impact of organizational behavior on employees behavior.
• MNC are not included in the study as part of the research only SSI, LS, and MED scale
Companies are included.

The study basically dealt with finding the organizational behavior effects on employees behavior on the basis of 13 dimensions
which are divided into 10 groups and finding the effect of same on the employees of companies. Few of which are discussed below
From the study it was found that mostly employees of the various organizations agreed to the norms and functioning of the
organizations. Except few employees who disagree with the fact that senior management treats employees fairly rest all the
employees agree with it. It was found that either it is large scale Company, SSI, the replies from the employees on various aspects
were similar.

From the study it was found that employees of various companies have same view point that Organizations in which they are
employed are strong competitors of other organizations. They also agree that their organizations have organization leadership has
clear vision for future.
From the Study it was found that the organizations do have an appraisal system and based on the Performance the employees
are appreciated and awarded. Employees of the organizations are satisfied with the appraisal system.
From the study it was found that superior- subordinate relation is cordial in the organizations. There is sense of responsibility
and understanding between superior and subordinate.
From the study it was found that are neutral on these aspects they neither agree neither disagree with the benefits
that they are getting from their respective organizations. When it comes to the question of monetary benefits the
employees are hesitant to disclose they neither agree with fact that they are satisfied with the pay structure nor they
disagree that they are satisfied with the pay structure as well as incentive schemes provided by their respective
From the study it was found that the role and responsibilities being allotted to employees in their respective
organizations is understood to them and they perform their work in proper manner. Employees get an opportunity to
develop their skills in their respective organizations.
From the study it was found that employees are neither agreeing with the questions related to ethics and social
responsibility nor disagreeing with the same. It was difficult to come to the conclusion regarding the same.
From the study it was found that employees are very co-operative with each other and also the team members in
their respective teams are very supportive as well as work hard together to build positive relations with each other.
From the study it was found that the employees can avail leave only on medical grounds. Employees are highly
satisfied with the superiors. There is support provided to the employees by their co-workers which brings a positive
attitude in them and a sense of trust within the employees. The employees of the organization are happy with their
respective organizations due to balance between work life and personal life.

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