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Basic Competence 1: Preparing of Media


Preparation of Media Places
Case where the growth of seedlings selected
based on the requirements:
- Strong enough, so that light easily moved
- Size according to the size of the seed
planted that will provide a balance between
seed and the place
- Enough to hold in roots adequately so the
plant seeds can grow optimal
- Have drainage holes.
2. Kind of place / venue of Media Embed

Vessel that is used in many of the pot, plastic

bag, polybag, perkecambahan tanks, and
even be able to use banana leaves or
coconut leaves
 The most commonly used have a polybag
for the excess-excess, among others:

Material strong, lightweight, easy to use

Color black, so the media into the dark
atmosphere and is able to stimulate the
growth / development of plant roots
Preparation of Media

1. Requirements:

Free of pests and diseases

Loose, volume and form relatively stable
Can hold water and air in a sufficient
number of comparable and
Easy to release excess water
Aerasinya good
Contain enough elements burly.
2. Types of Media Embed

A mixture of loose soil, sand and manure / compost

or other media can.
Chosen from places that are free from sources
kontaminan, land taken from the fertile land, free
from the remaining roots of plants and grass,
manure that is already cooked, sand and clean sand
3. Media mixing

Planting media that have been selected and then

mixed evenly dry. The purpose of mixing the media in
order to be fertile, friable, with aerasi high seedling so
easy to grow and if the seeds disapih easily revoked.
In the mix should consider their needs, starting from
the media that comparison at least followed a
comparison with the media more or so.
Contoh mixture Media:
Seedling for the media: sand, manure /
compost comparison with 1: 2: 1.
For media penyapihan seed: soil, sand and
manure / compost comparison with 1: 1: 1.
 For the media introduction of the process
starting from mixing soil and manure then
added sand and mixed until homogeneous.
To help get a homogenous mixture, the media
is stacked plant flake.
 Menumpuknya how media can be seen in the pictures
below :

hill land and manure mixture of soil and pile manure with fine sand

mass media materials in the process of mixing plant

4. Charging the media in polibag

Media diisikan to grow in polibag use a small

How to polibag in the media:
Polibag folded size is adjusted twice polibag fold
Media diisikan in polybag little by little while
dipadatkan carefully
Charging the media until the limit of  90% filled

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