Implement The Safety, Health and Work Environment

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Implement the Safety, Health and Work

Mata Pelajaran : Dasar Kompetensi Kejuruan

Kelas/Semester : X/1

Standard Kompetensi : Menerapkan Keselamatan,Kesehatan Kerja

dan Lingkungan Hidup (K3LH)


Learning Objectives:
1. Students can Implementing Procedures and work instructions
               2. Students can explain the basic dasr-safety and risk
               3. Students can wear the component / equipment protectors
               4. Students can perform the work based on the recommendations in a safe
               5. Students can explain the risk of job
Implementing Procedure K3

Basic Law:
Regulation of Minister of Labor
No work. : Per.05/MEN/1996
Safety and Management System
Health Work
Article 2 Paragraph (1)

every company that memperkerjakan

labor as much as a hundred people
or more and / or contain
potential danger caused
by the characteristics of the process
production that can lead to
workplace accidents, such as blasting,
fires, pollution and disease as a result of
compulsory K3 implement
a management system.
Article 2 Paragraph (2)

System management safety and health

must done by an administrator,
and all labor as one unit.
Implementing Procedure SHWE

SHWE implement a policy and

    ensure commitment to
    implementation of management system SHWE
Plan fulfillment policies, objectives and targets
     the application of the SHWE
Implementation procedures K3

a. At each laboratory or workshop

or the room made the order
must be obeyed
by all who will go to the lab
or in the room.
b. Each instrument is
Operated with the machine
must be working.
c. In every room made
Posters about the safety
labels and the
    shows the danger of
accidents that
may occur.
• SHWE implement the policy effectively.

Measure, monitor and

   evaluate the performance of K3 and
   the action and improvement
Reviewed regularly and
   improve the implementation of
the system
   SHWE is sustainable

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