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M-Health Healthcare on Mobile Devices

Rishabh Verma
Adarsh Singh
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Problem Statement
• How we as Engineers can provide solution to the problem
• Impact on the Society
• Conclusion
 mHealth an abbreviation for mobile health, a term used for the
practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile devices.
The term is most commonly used in reference to using mobile
communication devices, such as mobile phones, tablet computers and
PDAs, for health services and information.
mHealth applications include the use of mobile devices in:
collecting community and clinical health data
delivery of healthcare information to practitioners, researchers
real-time monitoring of patient vital signs
there is a lot of excitement around mHealth.
mHealth offers a new and fast way of collecting health related
with a small and yet powerful smartphone or mobile device.

There are several categories in which mobile Apps can be categorized

into while there will most likely be a lot more out there, we will focus
on the main parent categories and provide examples in each.
 a technology to enable monitoring of patients outside of conventional clinical
depending on the disease and the parameters, different combinations of sensors,
storage, and applications may be used.
physiological data collected by sensors on peripheral devices.
How we as Engineers can provide solution
to the problem
• Understanding the constraints and limit for the range of potential solutions.
• Presenting a creative and innovative approach to solving the problem
• Selecting the ‘Best’ solution based on economic and practical feasibility
• Suggested technology to be used for solution
Impact on Society
• Analyze the effect your solution will have on people around you
• Future scope and improvements of your solution
• Conclude your project
• QnA Session from the judges
Thank You
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• The IEEE logo should be mandatorily included in all slides of your
• Make sure there is consistency in color and size of the logo across all
• Choose the variation which best fits the overall design of your
presentation ensuring there is contrast between logo and the
• The placement and color of the logo won’t be included in the final
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