Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management

Knowledge management comprises a range of

strategies and practice used in an organization
to identify, create, represent,distribute and
enable adoption of insights and experiences.
Such insights and experiences comprises
knowledge, either embodied in individuals or
embodied in organizational processes or
Knowledge Managers

"Knowledge manager" is a role and

designation that has gained popularity over
the past decade. The role has evolved
drastically from that of one involving the
creation and maintenance of knowledge
repositories to one that involves influencing
the culture of an organization toward
improved knowledge sharing, reuse, learning,
collaboration and innovation.
Knowledge Management

Four applications of knowledge management


 » intermediation;

 » externalization;

 » internalization; and

 » cognition.

 Knowledge Management System refers to a system

for managing knowledge in organizations for
supporting creation, capture, storage and
dissemination of information.

 DOCUMENT BASED- any technology that

permits creation/management/sharing of formatted
documents such as Lotus Notes, web, distributed
databases etc.
 TAXONOMY BASED- these are similar to
document technologies in the sense that a system of
terminologies (i.e. ontology) are used to summarize
the document
BASED-Based on AI technologies which use a customized
representation scheme to represent the problem domain.
 NETWORK MAPS-Provide network maps of the
organization showing the flow of communication between
entities and individuals
Benefits of Knowledge
Management System

 Awareness

 Accessibility

 Availability

 Timeliness
Technologies for
Enabling Knowledge Management

 Intranet
 Document Management System
 Information Retrieval Engines
 Groupware and Workflow Systems
 Push Technologies and Agents
 Help-Desk Applications
 Brainstorming Applications
 Data warehouses and Data mining Tools
Knowledge Management : A
Case Study of An Indian Bank

Knowledge Management is among one of

the buzzwords prevailing in the management
circles. It is seen as a tool which can create a
strategic impact. Theoretically knowledge
management is seen to have the potential to
influence many spheres of an organization. It
is available in a variety of forms and to a large
extent the hidden tacit knowledge can be
codified and made explicit. It is believed that
by sharing of knowledge, the organization
will benefit in the long run.
Knowledge Management: A
Case Study of Larson & Toubro
India has witnessed Knowledge
Management(KM) in practice by some
companies because a need was felt to capture
knowledge from purchase patterns of
customers and dealer insights. Along with
money paid for the product, customers also
provide a lot of information as their
perception of the product and similar
substitute products. The strategic challenge
lies in designing an interface which will permit
easy trapping of customer information.
Knowledge Management: A
Case Study of Infosys

A full fledged KM program began in 1999

with the launch of Kshop. Through Kshop,
knowledge generated in each project across
the global operations of Infosys was
captured. The case also highlights the
benefits reaped by Infosys using KM in its day
to day operations. In November 2005, Infosys
Technologies Limited (Infosys), a leading
software company based in India, was
inducted into the Global Most Admired
Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Hall of Fame.
Knowledge Management: A
Case Study of World Bank

The Action Review of Knowledge

Management was completed on schedule
and within budget, after a comprehensive
stocktaking of what is occurring in knowledge
management in the World Bank. Inputs were
received from nineteen vice-presidencies.
Interviews, focus groups, surveys, and
discussions were conducted so as to
incorporate the inputs of more than five
hundred staff from all parts of the
Knowledge Management: A
Case Study of ADB

Kuroda—ADB President and concurrent

Chairperson of ADB’s Board of Directors—
stressed the importance of knowledge to
that organization: To be fully effective, we
must also consciously and actively blend
knowledge with financing. We will focus on
developing, capturing, and sharing
knowledge in all our work, ensuring that ADB
serves an intermediary role for both financing
and knowledge.

Helps the organization to know, what they know! i.e.,

What are the strong capabilities/ staff and facilities
they have?
Helps the organization to identify the concentration
areas and less populated areas of knowledge.
And it helps the organization to collectively, share
towards fulfillment of goals and objectives of the
organization. It also help find the current status of the
organization as compared to the competitors.
Barriers of Knowledge

 Negative Attitude to Knowledge

 Unwillingness to share knowledge
 Willingness to share knowledge but too little
time for individuals to do so.
 Lack of skill in knowledge management
 Lack of appropriate technology

An effective knowledge management is a major objective of companies

and an essential component of companies strategy to enhance its
capacity. Many large companies and non-profit organizations have
resources dedicated to internal KM efforts, often as a part of their
'business strategy’ 'information technology', or 'human resource
management' departments. It is observed that before addressing the
question of knowledge management, it's probably appropriate to
develop some perspective regarding this stuff called knowledge, which
there seems to be such a desire to manage, really is.
 Knowledge management should help the organization to
collectively, share towards fulfillment of goals and
objectives of the organization. It should help to find the
current status of the organization as compared to the
 Not only of how to develop new knowledge, but how to
locate, diffuse and embody the knowledge in product
should also the prime concern
 There should be a relation and continuity between data,
information, knowledge and wisdom
Recommendations Cont…

 The main focus of knowledge management should on

organization such as improved performance, competitive
advantage, innovation, integration and continuous
improvement of the organization
 Knowledge manager should have a versatile skills
portfolio and is comfortable with the concepts of
organizational behavior/culture, processes, branding &
marketing and collaborative technology.
 Knowledge Management should related directly to the
effectiveness with which the managed knowledge
enables the members of the organization to deal with
today's situations and effectively envision and create
their future

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