Himanshu Parihar 211510023747 The Product Cell

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Himanshu Parihar 211510023747

The estimated The explosive rise in India pharmaceutical
total oxygen supplied With COVID-19 cases India has a total (public
going up in the most +private)India has a total inflow/outflow of mild ,
bed capacity
coronavirus cases has industries are also got fed
to hospitals hit a peak severe and critical cases
(public +private) dried up stocks of up with the overall
of 8000 metric tonnes affected state of of 2,363,296 which can
Maharashtra and be allocated capacity of per day are 9193, 266
bed for remdesivir at most of its demand, currently they
(MT) per day. Still we
Gujarat, and medical COVID-19 2,363,296 which and 133. Under this
infections seven manufacturers, are surging their
are lagging a large
oxygen availability can be allocated forscenario, India has the prompting the production capacity to 20-
amount of oxygen in capacity to accommodate
increasing to 9,200 COVID-19 government to ask 30% while it still needs
the state. only 33,870 mild cases,
infections companies to double 1.5 times to what is the
tonnes a day.
1,067 severe. capacity current infrastructure

Connect Oxygen daily supply
1. Connect all the vendors, suppliers and consumers in one
platform Hospital Bed Availability
2. Analyze the data of each of the stakeholder Medicine and injections availability
Feedback Analyze
3. Demand forecast

4. Supply to consumers local and global level, feed first local

then global. Success if each of the three
mentioned areas are fulfilled.
5. A feedback of what was lagging in previous cycle.
USER CHART 3 –Months Strategy

Promotion through different channels

Consumer and Supplier Acquisitions

Consumer Supplier

Training program for Suppliers

Hospital Hospital
Oxygen Medicine Oxygen Medicine
bed Bed

Quantity Target Local Global Price control through Bidding process

Quantity Price List Local Non Local Provide Price bid
date Provider Provider


Long Term Strategy

Making a big Demand Supply Chain Control prices
with local and Feedback
User database forecasting management schemes
global suppliers

1. Login page of the app 1. Building an app that is not useful to the end-users
• What is the use of an app that is of no use to anyone? This is the most fundamental mistake
mobile app developers .

• Most of the consumers in India are not well versed with technological advances so it must be
simple and easy to use. If it is not serving end users it is of no use.
2. Adding too many features into one app
• Too many features make an app clumsy and confusing.

• Adding features that are seldom used in the app, can make your app heavier and
can slow down the loading speed.

2. On login user can select consumer or supplier • Too many features mean additional resources in terms of development, time and
investment too.

3. Bad UI/UX

• A good user interface is a must-have for an application.

• Users most likely engage with the apps that are user-friendly and have good user-experience.

3. Post login if user is a consumer he can get the required quantity • A good interface helps the user to navigate easily through your website.
of item if available.

 Keeping in mind and rectifying these mistakes can help one build an app
that is almost perfect


• https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.14.20100537v1.full.pdf
• https://indianexpress.com/article/india/oxygen-supply-covid-crisis-coronavirus-cases-7326288/
• https://www.livemint.com/news/india/vitamins-antivirals-shortage-piles-woes-on-covid-patients-1161885
• https://balsamiq.com/tutorials/articles/firstwireframe/
• https://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/make-a-decision-tree-in-powerpoint--cms-33549
• https://www.brevitysoftware.com/risks-involved-in-mobile-application-development/

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