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"In War, In Peace We are
Everywhere for Our Country“

“সমরে আমরা শান্তিতে আমরা সর্বত্র আমরা দেশের তরে”

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• History
• About Bangladesh army
• Rank Categories
• peacekeeping missions
• Arms and Services
• Army Training Institute
• Education Institutions 07/13/2021 4

• Women soldiers in Bangladesh Army

History of Bangladesh Army

• Early History:
On the 15th February 1948, the East Bengal Regiment was raised at Kurmitola,

liberation war was structured through dividing the Bangladesh into 11 sectors

• Post 1971: The Emergence of the Bangladesh Army:

three regular Infantry Brigades S, K and Z Forces formed the nucleus of Bangladesh
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• Subsequent Reform and Development of Bangladesh Army:

expansion and modernization in all respects with the passage of time
‘Forces Goal 2030’
two Infantry Division Headquarter and a Composite Brigade
Headquarters have been raised

Modern weapons and equipment like Main Battle Tank-2000, Radar

Controlled Self Propelled Gun, FM-90 and Weapon Locating Radar

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About Bangladesh army

• General mission:
 to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bangladesh
 assisting the civilian government during times of national emergency

• Role of Bangladesh Army:

 take part in nation development activities as and when asked for
 To support United Nations Peacekeeping Operations.
 plan and develop the mobilization of civil resources in support of land
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operations etc.
The Chief of Army Staff

• The General joined Bangladesh Military Academy on 07

August 1981

• was commissioned on 10 June 1983 with 8th BMA Long

Course in the Regiment of Artillery

• He has taken over the Command of Bangladesh Army as

Chief of Army Staff on 25 June 2018. General Aziz Ahmed
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Rank Categories

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Peacekeeping Missions

 Peacekeeping by the United Nations

 Bangladesh's first deployments came in 1988, by two operations -

UNIIMOG in Iraq and UNTAG in Namibia with 25 military


 Bangladesh has sent its personal to at least 45 UNPKO and more

than 83,000 personal of Bangladesh having served in those


 On going peacekeeping missions:

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Arms and Services

• Armoured Corps • Army Service Corps • Corps of Military

• Regiment of Artillery • Army Medical Corps

• Corps of Engineers • Armoured Corps • Army Education Corps

• Corps of Signals • Army Ordnance Corps • Army Corps of Clerks

• East Bengal Regiment • Corps of Electrical and • Armed Forces Nursing

Mechanical Engineers
• Bangladesh Infantry
Regiment • Remount, Veterinary 07/13/2021 14

and Farms Corps

• Army Aviation
Army Training Institute

• Defense Services Command & Staff College, Dhaka

• National Defense College (NDC), Dhaka

• School of Infantry and Tactics, Sylhet

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Education Institutions

 Army School and College - 52

 Army Cadet College - 12

 Army Engineering University - 4

 Army Business University - 1

 Army Medical College - 4

 Army Nursing College - 1 07/13/2021 16

Women soldiers in Bangladesh Army

• In 2000, the doors were thrown open for women

entry as regular commissioned officers in our

Armed Forces with a view to empowering the


• Dr Susane Giti, the first female Major General of

Bangladesh Army
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