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Advanced Philosophy

Of Education

Teacher II
Pila Elementary School
Politics and Education
The word comes from demos '(common) people'
and kratos 'strength'
Autocracy comes from the Ancient Greek   autos  
(Greek: αὐτός; "self") and kratos (Greek: κράτος; "power",
"strength") from Kratos,
The suffix –cracy is derived from the Greek combining
form –kratia, which comes from the Greek word kratos,
meaning “power” or “rule.” Taken by itself, –cracy is not
necessarily good or bad. The root word added to this
suffix, however, can make a significant difference in the
type of government to which the citizens of a country
Democratic Education
is an educational ideal in which
democracy is both a goal and a
method of instruction.
The history of democratic
education spans from at least the
In 1693, John Locke published Some Thoughts Concerning
Education. In describing the teaching of children, he
declares, None of the things they are to learn, should ever be
made a burthen to them, or imposed on them as a task.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s book of advice on

education, Émile, He said that we should not substitute
books for personal experience because this does not teach
us to reason; it teaches us to use other people's reasoning; it
teaches us to believe a great deal but never to know
19th century While Locke and Rousseau were concerned only
with the education of the children of the wealthy, in the 19th
century Leo Tolstoy set up a school for peasant children.

He tells us that the school evolved freely from principles

introduced by teachers and pupils; that in spite of the
preponderating influence of the teacher, the pupil had always
had the right not to come to school, or, having come, not to
listen to the teacher, and that the teacher had the right not to
admit a pupil, and was able to use all the influence he could
muster to win over the community, where the children were
always in the majority
The oldest democratic school that still exists
is Summerhill, in Suffolk, England, founded in

The term Democratic Education originates from

The Democratic School of Hadera,
Defining Principles
Democratic schools are very diverse but they can all be
defined by having two key principles. In other words, it
can be said that all democratic schools have these two
characteristics in common:

1. Democratic governance: Meetings in which all

members of the school community can participate
2. Autonomy for the students to manage their own
learning process
Democratic schools are characterized by
involving students in the decision-making process
that affects what and how they learn.

Democratic schools generally have no mandatory

curriculum, considering forced learning to be
Main features of democratic education.
1. Universal and compulsory education.
2. Broad-based education.
3. Child-centered education
4. Community centered.
5. Cultural basis of education
6. Decentralization in educational organizations
7. Education for worthy citizenship
8. Education for leisure, national integration and international
9. Provision of adult education
10. Student’s association
Democratic ideals imply respect for the
individual, freedom to all, equality of
opportunities, safeguarding interests of
minorities, believing in the method of peace,
dealing with all individuals on the principles of
justice, cooperative living and fair play.
Autocratic Education
An autocratic teaching strategy is traditional; it
involves the teacher choosing what material to present
and how to present it. For example, giving a lecture on
a topic is an autocratic teaching method.
are also called convergent approach. These are
content centered and teacher-centered. While using
these strategies, the teacher’s place is primary and the
pupil’s place is secondary.
Autocratic teaching strategies include
Lecture Method
The lecture method is the most commonly used
instructional strategy for working with groups of students. It is
teacher-centered forms of instruction i.e. convergent
approach. Lecture can be delivered in many different ways,
and one method may be more effective than other. The least
effective form of lecture method is when teacher reading
from notes or the text; with this students quickly lose interest
and also when no day to day life experiences are shared in
the lecture.
Autocratic teaching strategies include
Demonstrations are most effective when the students
are concerned with an issue or problem and are
looking for an answer. In such cases the
demonstration can deal directly with their concern. It
is important that the person doing the demonstration
know the content very well and is able to answer
questions as they arise during the demonstration.
Autocratic teaching strategies include

It is the fundamental right of every person to get
education in democracy. Therefore, instead of
individual teaching, group-teaching is emphasized so
that the large group may be educated at the low rate.
Autocratic teaching strategies include
Use of Multimedia
Multimedia methods of presentation include slide shows,
movies, power point presentations and transparencies.
Visual aides to instruction can help students better
understand the ideas that are being presented. When
creating presentations, it is important to keep notes concise
and to the point while including interesting and relevant
To conclude shows the average retention rate of
different methods of teaching no method can be totally
rejected as already explained each method has both
advantages and disadvantages. Hence, it is the duty
of the teacher to use mix of more than one method of
teaching so that the effectiveness of the multi
methods brought in favour of the students to learn in
the most effective manner.
is a system of
government in which
supreme power over
a state is concentrated
in the hands of one
Democracy is the most
common form of government
that gives the subordinates
equal chance of participating
in the decision-making
process as to what is to be
done and how it is to be
Autocracy vs Democracy
Autocracy vs Democracy
• governments may hold • people usually accept decisions
elections. made by the majority of voters
in a free election

• do not allow freedoms of • Freedom of speech, the press

speech, press and religion. and religion Democracies
respect these basic individual
Autocracy vs Democracy
Elements of  Autocracy : Elements of Democracy:
1. Total control of society
1.Rule of Law (Magna
2. Instils fear through mechanisms of
terror Carta)
3. Controls media 2.Political Equality
4. Official political ideology 3.Common Good
5. One political party 4.Personal Freedoms /
6. Clearly defined internal (citizens) and
external enemies Human Dignity
7. Rule of Law does not exist 5.Political Being informed
8. History may be re-written to conform to and getting involved
government ideology;  traditional
ideas/ways are replaced
9. A new, ideal type of person is promoted
Key Differences Between
Autocratic and Democratic
• Autocratic leadership can be defined as a leadership
style, wherein a clear line of demarcation between
leader and follower exist, as the leader has got the
absolute power of commanding and decision making.

• There is centralization of powers in case of autocratic

leadership, whereas the authority is delegated to the
group members in democratic leadership.
Key Differences Between
Autocratic and Democratic
• Autocratic leadership is task oriented that gives more
emphasis on the completion of the task successfully. As
against, the Democratic leadership is relation oriented, which
aims at improving the superior-subordinate relationship, by
sharing powers with the group members.

• High level of control is present in autocratic leadership,

whereas democratic leadership involves the low level of
Key Differences Between
Autocratic and Democratic
• There is a freedom of expression and independence in
thinking, in democratic leadership, which is not in the
case of autocratic leadership.
• Autocratic leadership is best suited when the followers
or group members are not so educated and skilled, but
at the same time, they are obedient. As against, the
Democratic leadership is appropriate when the group
members are experienced, qualified and professional.
When it comes to effectiveness, democratic leadership is a step
ahead than autocratic leadership.
One can make a choice between the two leadership styles,
considering the immediate goal and subordinates. When the
immediate goal of the concern is increase in output and
subordinate’s need for independence is low, autocratic
leadership style proves better. However, the immediate goal
tends to be job satisfaction as well as the subordinates require
the greater degree of independence, democratic leadership
style is best.

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