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What are the effects of Soil

Erosion to…
Ways to Control Soil
Natural Vegetation
Allowing plants and trees to grow
naturally without human interface.
By letting these plants grow, root
systems will developed.
Contour Plowing
Plant on mountainside follow the
contours or curves of the land.
Strip Cropping
Involves alternately planting
different crops in strips.
Grass and other plants that
grow close to the ground are
planted in strips between bands
of grain crops.
Involves in planting on terraces or
steps built on the slopes of
Farmers build wide flat rows of
terraces on mountainsides act as
ridges to help slow down the flow of
water that carries soil.
Crop Rotation
Refers to planting crops in a different
spot each year.
Soil that has good quality is moist.
Rip Rapping
Chunk of stones or rocks
arranged on the edge of a slope.
When rain pours down, most
of the soil carried away down
the slope is deposited on the
rip raps.
How forest help in controlling soil erosion
The forest canopy , the uppermost layer of
the forest where most tree branches and
leave found, acts like an umbrella that
lessens the impact of the rain.
The leaves that fall to the ground cover the
forest floor.
More root systems hold the soil together.
Root of the trees spread out underground
and keep the soil intact.

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