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GEC 6 - Art

Ms. Rose Anne Joy R. Cabico
UNIT I: Introduction to Art

Chapter 5: Artists and Artisans

By the end of this lesson, should be able to:

a. outline the history of the emergence of artists, and

b. recognize and critically discuss the function of state
Learning sponsorship in the field of arts and culture through the
national Artists Award and the Gawad sa Manlilikha
Outcomes ng Bayan (GAMABA);
c. identify and define the different individuals and
groups who take on varied roles in the world of art and
culture; and
d. classify the practices of artists in terms of form,
medium, and technique
1. Factual meaning
- the most common
Various Level - pertains to the most rudimentary level of
of Meaning meaning for it may be extracted from the
identifiable or recognizable forms in the
artwork and understanding how these elements
relate to one another
2. Conventional meaning
Various Level ◦ pertains to the acknowledged interpretation
of Meaning of the artwork using motifs, signs, symbols,
and other cyphers as basis of its meaning
2. Conventional meaning
Various Level ◦ pertains to the acknowledged interpretation
of Meaning of the artwork using motifs, signs, symbols,
and other cyphers as basis of its meaning
3. Subjective meaning
Various Level
of Meaning ◦ meaning may not be singular; rather, may
communicate multiple meanings to its
many viewers
◦ Michaelangelo’s “Creation of Adam”
- at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
- depicted scene from the Creation Story, in
particular, the creation of man
- example of biblical art
◦ Frank Lynn Meshberger
- gynecologist
- an image and a message were hidden in
plain sight: how to silhouette of God, the
shroud and the drapery that trail behind, all
seemingly aligned with the shape of the
human brain
- “The Endowment of Adam” for it brought to
life that as God’s creation, the most important
qualities imparted to man was intellect
2. Greek and Roman Mythology
◦ polytheism
◦ from episodes that transport the viewer to
heroic encounters of Achilles and Aenas
◦ warnings about man’s folly like tha vanity
of Icarus
◦ the wit and cunning of Odysseus
◦ the beauty of Aphrodite and athleticism of
◦ from the narrations in literature, artists, on
the other hand, gave faces to Greek and
Roman dieties or the gods and goddesses
whose fates are seemingly as tragic as those
of men
◦ some of the art forms they took on were
wall paintings or frescos and sculptural
works such as busts, statuaries, and
ceramics and pottery, among others

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