English For Specific Purpose (T2)

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English for Spesific Purpose

The importance of teaching

The functions of ESP
The first function of ESP that must be fulfilled is teaching

to help language learners overcome language features or develop

the competencies necessary to function in a discipline,
professional practice, or workplace.
1. Functions Related to Teaching and Research to describe and ensure that students
are familiar with what is considered the essence of the English language .

2. Functions Regarding Language Usage In this section, our concern is the

description of language usage and the functional explanation of language.

3. Function for Learning

The importance of teaching ESP
1. According to Bojovic (2006:48), it is important for the ESP teacher to develop certain skills
to adequately teach the course. There are:
● Adequate command of the language that fits the class he is teaching,
● Teaching techniques and classroom activities
● The management of learning

● 2. According to Constantinides (2001:1-3) the important of teaching ESP for:

● Able to give a complete explanation of subject.
● Capable of making use of the available resources and able to plan lessons.
● Able to figure own strength and weaknesses.
● Does not get frustrated as a response to the comments of other colleagues.
● Able to motivate his learners and is interested in teaching and learning.
● Able to choose the suitable materials and varied lessons.
● Has the interest to develop professionally.
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including
icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/functions-of-esp-criteria-to-understand-what-really-makes-it
 https://www.iasj.net/iasj/download/3398a2ce50633b4a

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