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Profesionalism,Supervision, and
Pearls for PGY1
Presented by :
Prof.Dr.Abdul Gofar Sastrodiningrat,SpBS(K)
Director of Neurosurgery Residency Training Program
Departement of Neurosurgery
School of Medicine University of Sumatera Utara

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
Lembaga Akreditasi untuk PPDS/Residen

 PGY1
Post Graduate Year 1
PPDS/Residen tahun 1

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education


- Highly educated ***

(Berpendidikan tinggi)

- Impressive competence ***

( Kompetensi yang meyakinkan)

- Autonomy

- “Comfortable” salary ***

(gaji yang cukup)

- Creative and intellectually challenging work

(kreatif dan pekerjaan yang menantang intelektual)

- Trust
(Bertanggung jawab)

- Strict ethical and moral standards ***

(Standar-standar etika dan moral yang ketat)

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

 Professionalism also includes :

- Ethical Behaviour (Bertatakrama)

- Confidentiality (Menjaga kerahasiaan)

- Putting the client’s interest ahead of one’s own (Menempatkan

kepentingan ‘client’ diatas kepentingan pribadi)

- Moral compass (Lingkungan yang bermoral)

- Work ethic and motivation (Etos kerja dan motivasi)

- Willingness to share in the transmission of professional knowledge

and values (like to day)
(Kesediaan untuk berbagi dalam penyebaran ilmu dan nilai-nilai

- Positive attitude towards the profession (sikap yang positif terhadap


Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education


ACGME (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education)

Outcome Project includes
Six Competencies : (enam kompetensi)
- Patient Care (Perawatan pasien)
- Medical Knowledge (Pengetahuan Kedokteran)
- Professionalism (Profesionalisme)
- Interpersonal and communication skills (hubungan
interpersonal dan kemampuan berkomunikasi )
- System-based Practice (Paktek berbasiskan sistim)
- Practice-based Learning and Improvement
(Pembelajaran dan Perbaikan berbasiskan praktek)

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education


 When is professionalism measured?

(Bila profesionalisme di nilai ?)
through (melalui) :
 Assessments : such as
. Peer (‘360 degree’) (dalam kelompok)
. “On the fly” evaluations (clinical and operative) ( evaluasi
pada keadaan yang sedang berlangsung)
. By rotation (melalui rotasi)
. Annually (berkala tahunan)

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education


 How is it measured :
through :
- Duty hour adherence and documentation
(Kepatuhan terhadap jam kerja dan pencatatan /dokumentasi)
- Nursing interaction
(interaksi dalam merawat pasien)
- Patient interactions
(interaksi terhadap pasien)
- Demeanor and dress
(sikap dan cara berpakaian)
- Devotion to patient care
(ketaatan merawat pasien)
- Ethical decision making
(Pengambilan keputusan yang ber etika)
- Contribution to the profession
(kontribusi terhadap profesi)

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education


 As professionals you have to deal with bad outcomes :

Sebagai profesional anda harus berurusan/menangani hasil
yang buruk

- Bad patient outcomes are sometimes unavoidable

(Hasil yang buruk kadang- kadang tidak dapat dihindarkan)

- Perfection is unobtainable
(kesempurnaan tidak dapat diraih)

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

Pearls nasihat

 Do not forget that you (actually) are

 Where do you hide your stethoscope?
 Facts : Patients come to you with her/his
main complaints but they may be hide a
pocketful of illnesses

 Use common sense

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

Pearls nasihat

 It’s a long road ... It’s hard work ...

- If you don’t enjoy the process, it may be
difficult to finish it ...

Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without

hard work is a tragedy
- Robert Haf, 20th cent.

Goodness without knowledge is weak, knowledge without
goodness is dangerous
- John Phillips. 1781

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

 Close supervision at every training level
 Attending staff
 Senior/Chief resident staff
 Defined psychomotor goals for each training level
 Hierarchy

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education


 Fatigue compromises:
 Patient safety
 Quality outcomes
 Resident health

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

 Two imperatives:
 Regulatory compliance for PGY1s
 16 hours shift limit ABSOLUTE
 80 hours per week, averaged over 4 weeks
 One in 7 days off, averaged over 4 weeks
 8 hour minimum inter-shift break
 Direct or on-site supervision (senior resident or
 Quality and safety
 Self monitoring
 Ask for help, don’t drive tired

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education


 Don’t be afraid to ask

 Silence is often mistaken for understanding
 Ask attendings/senior residents when you don’t
 It’s OK to say “I don’t know”
 Particularly to patients
 Don’t provide wrong information!
 Most of all, remember that sometimes you don’t
know when you don’t know…

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education


 Prioritize
 Who are the sickest patients?
 Emphasize their hand-offs
 Re-examine them
 Prioritize their care
 Stay organized!
 Keep lists
 Be practical

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

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