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Carreon, Carl Andrew

Remanente, Edjan
Vales, Royce
Software that automatically
manipulates natural language
like speech and text. With the
aid of artificial intelligence, the
computer can determine the
proper word or phrase to
answer based on context clues,
just like a person would.
Digital Phone Calls
We constantly hear that the phone session is
recorded when we call an office or order food
delivery. If a client complains, these recordings
may be utilized for training, but most of the time,
they are stored in a database for an NLP system to
learn from and better in the future. Client calls are
routed to a support agent or online chatbots, who
provide useful information in response to customer
queries. Many organizations, including big
telecoms providers, have adopted this NLP
Predictive Text
When chatting, auto correct, auto capitalization,
auto complete, and predictive text are often used.
Predictive text learns from your past chatting
style and suggests appropriate things to say
depending on what you type. The more you use
predictive text, the more it adapts to your unique
linguistic characteristics.
Blockchain is a method of storing data in such a manner that it is
difficult or impossible to alter, hack, or defraud it. Blockchain is a
digital log of transactions that is copied and distributed
throughout the blockchain's complete network of computer
Spotify correlates artists with licensing
agreements and music utilizing a decentralized
database (blockchain technology). The use of
Blockchain in the music business aims to
establish a more transparent record of rights
ownership, which will address long-standing
difficulties in the industry, such as artists and
labels not being adequately credited.
Aeternity made use of blockchain technology for
high-speed transactional applications. Smart
contracts, secure document transfers, and nano
payments are some of the examples utilized.
IoT refers to a network of
interconnected, internet-
connected items that can
gather and send data across a
wireless network without the
need for human intervention.
Cashless payments are preferred to avoid personal
contact due to the pandemic. For motorists passing
through toll gates, RFID has become more disruptive.
Electromagnetic fields are used to automatically
identify and track RFID tags attached to objects. An
RFID system consists of a radio transponder, a radio
receiver, and a transmitter. When triggered by an
electromagnetic interrogation pulse from a nearby
RFID reader device, the tag transmits digital data,
usually an identifying inventory number, back to the
Smart Door Locks
One more example of IoT is smart door locks.
They're keyless door locks that let you unlock
your door without having to use a real key. A
smartphone app may be used to operate them
remotely. For entering a unique access code,
several versions have a numeric keypad on the
3D printing is a method of creating a three
dimensional object layer-by-layer using a
computer created design.
It is a revolutionary technology that is
already transforming the industrial business. 3D
printing also has decreased the costs and
resources needed in manufacturing therefore
several large firms have changed how they create
their items. 3D printing has altered the production
sector, including how things are manufactured,
how businesses profit from 3D printing, and the
economic implications of 3D printing.
3D Bioprinting
Bioprinting is an additive manufacturing method
used in healthcare to generate tissue-like
structures that mimic natural tissues using
biomaterials such as cells and growth hormones.
It's utilized in regenerative medicine and tissue
engineering to generate live human cells or tissue.
The pioneers of this technology are Organovo
and EnvisionTEC.
Augmented reality (AR) is a
technologically augmented representation
of the actual world that is produced via the
use of digital visual elements, sound, or
other sensory inputs. AR is built of a reality
that combines real and virtual components
on a virtual continuum that spans the real
world and one that has been entirely
created or designed using a computer.
Head Up Display
Augmented reality is a long-promised capability that is
finally coming to life in many vehicles. Head-Up Displays
have provided basic information such as vehicle speed that
is projected onto the inside of the car’s windshield so that
it is directly in the driver’s view while driving.

The possibilities for augmented reality in this application

are immense, as such a system would be able to overlay
the driver’s view of the real world through the windshield
with helpful navigation directions, warning signs, and
vehicle data.
Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-
generated simulation in which a person
may interact with an artificial three-
dimensional world via the use of electronic
equipment such as special eyewear with a
screen or sensors-equipped gloves. The
user can enjoy a realistic-feeling experience
in this simulated artificial world.
VR Headsets
A virtual reality headset is a head-mounted device that
immerses the user in virtual reality. Virtual reality (VR)
headsets are commonly associated with video games, although
they are also utilized in simulators and training. A stereoscopic
head-mounted display, stereo sound, and head motion tracking
sensors are all included.

Eye tracking sensors and game controllers are included in

certain VR headsets. Head-tracking technology is used in the
VR glasses, which adjusts the field of vision when a person
rotates their head. The technology isn't flawless, and if the head
moves too quickly, there will be delay. It does, however,
provide an immersive experience.
It is a technology that allows an aircraft to
be operated remotely which is usually used to
gather information regarding an area it can be
done by a live feed of the camera or through
documentation. With such technology
information can be produced easily and safety
of personnel are also increased.
It is a disruptive technology which aims to
help the environment by replacing manual tree
planting with the use of drones. The main goal
is reforestation which is done by a pneumatic
seed pumper which allows the seed to be
embedded within the soil which will also be
watered with the drone with the its own mix of
fertilizer. It also creates a 2d wireframe mapping
of the topography of the area for the efficient
spacing needed for each tree.
It is a disruptive technology allows huge
farmers to replace the traditional way of fighting
insects that infect their corps. The technology
works by mapping a certain area which will be
modified by gps to create a flight route on how
an insecticide would be applied that will cover
the entire area lot. This will replace manual
insecticide which are done by walking within
the crops causing damages. It also replaces the
releasing of insecticide within the air which
resulted to a biological hazard.
It is a technology that is a production of
mix engineering and technology which lead to
machines and robots. This technology has been
said to be more efficient than typical man power
as rest times are short and maintenance as a
replacement for wage. It has also been reported
that the use of robotics are more efficient than
normal workers as the room for error are being
lessened through updates.
It is a disruptive technology which will
help farmers to keep the land safe as well as the
crops as the conventional way of removing
weeds is by spraying a chemical into the entire
crop which is said to only affect weeds. By the
use of this technology they would only spray or
pull out the weeds as it will be done by cameras
which will determine if a certain crop is
acceptable or not. It is also solar powered with
such technology it will lessen the use for
chemicals and insure that the land will only
provide to the yielding crops.

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