Importance of Wildlife Conservation: at Firstpresented by at Last References

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Wildlife Conservation

At firstPresented
At last References
Bio Diversity Of India
• Wildlife of India is a mix of species of diverse
• India is home to a number of rare and threatened
animal species. • Home to about 7.6% of all
mammalian, 12.6% of avian, 6.2% of reptilian,
and 6.0% of flowering plant species.
• Tropical rainforest of the Andaman Islands,
Western Ghats, and Northeast India, coniferous
forest of the Himalaya. dry deciduous forest of
central and southern India.
• Human Nature
• Second most critical factor in species extinction. There now 20% less
forest cover than existed 300 years ago Poaching and hunting
• Another major cause of animal species extinction.
• Poaching and illegal trade in animals are US$2 billion to $3 billion
  habitat Loss and Fragmentation
• Extensive human demand resulted into Habitat Loss. • Rainforests are the
main habitats
• Tropical rainforests are cleared for wood / timber resources  development
of petroleum resources mineral resources  for cash-crop plantations and
subsistence farming
National and International Wildlife Trade
• Pet Trade
• Fur Trade
• Meat Trade
• Body Parts Trade
• Trade for Biomedical Research
some other causes
• Climate change / Global warming
• Pollution
• Introduced (Invasive) Species
• Farmer / Rancher Shootings
Effects Of Wild Life Depletion

1) Unbalance Food chain and

2) Reduction in rare Wild
3) Danger to Human Life
4) Impact on Biodiversity
5) Loss of economic value
6) Loss genetic information
Conservation measures
• The conservation strategies should include the following programmes and
• Protection of threatened/useful plants and animals species living in natural
habitats, zoological and botanical gardens, seed gene, tissue culture and
DNA banks.
• Preservation of critical habitats of animal and plant species plus the
management of life supporting systems in the surrounding habitats.
• Hunting and international trade in wild animals and plants products should
be regulated and a strict vigil should be maintained upon these actions .
• Role of government and NGOs in spreading awareness programmes among
common people about values of wildlife and it’s conservation.

Increased understanding about the world’s current

wildlife situation and an increased emphasis on
education will give future generations an
opportunity to experience nature to its fullest
Thank you

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