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Hardiyanti Srirezky (201052501076)

Wilda (201052501081)
Suci Arnita Rahim (201052501074)
Musyawirah Salman (201052501073)
Hadkrianti Dewi Putri (201052501072)
“Think twice before you
speak, because your words and
influence will plant the seed of
either success or failure in the
mind of another”.

Napoleon Hill

01 03
Speaking Skill Teaching Method,
Approach, Strategy
and Techniques
02 04
Teaching Speaking Teaching Materials
to Senior High
School Students
Speaking Skill
Its Definitions and Components

Tarigan Brown Chaney

Speaking is(1990)
a language skill that (1994)
Speaking is an interactive (1998)
Speaking is the process of
is developed in child life, which process of constructing building and sharing
is produced by listening skill, meaning that involves meaning through the use of
and at that period speaking skill producing, receiving and verbal and non-verbal
is learned. processing information. symbols, in variety of

So, speaking is to communicate the opinions, feelings,

ideas, or other things as a communication language
that is always use by human in their daily life
Components of Speaking Skill
Comprehension Pronunciation
For oral communication, it certainly requires It plays a vital role in order to make the
a subject to respond, to speech as well as to process of communication easy to
initiate it. understand since It deals with the
phonological process that refers to the
Grammar component of a grammar made up of the
elements and principles that determine how
Needed for students to arrange a correct sounds vary and pattern in a language.
sentence in conversation, also it is useful to
learn the correct way to gain expertise in a
language in oral and written form. Fluency
Fluency can be defined as the ability of
students to speak fluently and accurately in
Vocabulary communication. Fluency in speaking is the
aim of many language learners. Signs of
Without having a sufficient vocabulary, one
fluency include a reasonably fast speed
cannot communicative effectively or express
of speaking and only a small number of
their ideas both oral and written form.
pauses and “ums” or “ers”.
Teaching Speaking to Senior
High School Students
One of the most important concerns of English
teachers is to keep the students ‟self-esteem” high by
avoiding embarrassment, affirming each persons’
talents and strengths, allowing mistakes and other
errors to be accepted, emphasizing competitions
among classmates, and encouraging small group
works where risks can be taken more easily by a teen.
Teaching Method,
Approach, Strategy and

Direct Method Goals of Direct

The Direct Method is based on the direct involvement 1.
Learners should learn to speak and understand the
of the student when speaking, and listening to, the target language in everyday situations.
foreign language in common everyday situations. 2. Direct method provides learners with particular
Consequently, there is lots of oral interaction, useful knowledge of language
spontaneous use of the language, no translation, and
little if any analysis of grammar rules and syntax.
Principles of Direct Method

• Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.

• Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
• Oral communication skills were built up
• Grammar was taught inductively.
• New teaching points were introduced orally.
• Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects and pictures
• Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.
• Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.
The role of the Students and Teachers on Direct
• Students Role : The students are asked to use the language, so they will familiar and
understand the target language in everyday situations.

• Teachers Role : Directs the class activities and encourage students to participate in
class by asking them questions constantly, and corrects their mistakes immediately.
The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching/ learning process.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to

the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes
interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning
a language. It is also referred to as “communicative approach to
the teaching of foreign language” or simply the
“communicative approach”.
Principles of CLT

 Learning to communicate through interaction

 The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation
 Learners focus on language and the learning process itself
 An enhancement of the learner’s own personal experiences
 Linking classroom language learning with language activities.
The role of the Students and Teachers on CLT

• Students Role : Students are negotiator between the self, the learning process and the
object of learning. They become negotiator between their own learning processes,
interactions with their classmates and finally between the activities that are develop
inside the classroom. In other words, the learners should contribute as much as they
gain in the classroom, learning in an independent way. They also have to be
cooperative in the process of learning.

• Teachers Roles :
1. Facilitator : Teachers facilitate the communication process between all participants in
the classroom and become guide between the students, activities and the text being use.
2. Independent Participant : Teachers act like an independent participant within the
learning and teaching group. They must get involve with their students as a learner as well
as a guide.

1. Discussions
2. Role Play
3. Simulations
4. Information Gap
5. Brainstorming
6. Storytelling
7. Interviews
8. Story Completion
9. Reporting
10. Picture Narrating
11. Picture Describing
12. Find the Differences
Technique of Group
Group Discussion
Group Discussion is a critical conversation 1. Divide the class into small group of three to
about a particular topic, or perhaps a range six students each.
of topics, conducted in a group that allows 2. Give each group a different discussion topic
participation by all members. After a 3. Allow the groups to discuss their respective
content-based lesson, a discussion can be topic for at least 10 minutes.
held for various reasons. The students may 4. Call on the spokesman of one of the groups.
aim to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas 5. After he gives a short presentation class
about an event, or find solutions in their members should question him or anyone else in
discussion groups. the group in view point expressed.
Teaching Material and
Procedures on Running the Speaking cLass

• teacher greets the students
• teacher fills the attendance
• teacher has short chit-chat with the students (activity last night, current
news, something which is related to the today’s topic)
• teacher gives ice-breaking activity (game/hot seat)


• teacher introduces new vocabulary about Wonderful Indonesia
• teacher divides students into 4/5 groups and give each groups different topic
about Wonderful Places in Indonesia
• teacher explains what to do with the list of questions and tells some
expressions needed in answering the questions (telling opinion)
• teacher distributes a list of questions/shows it on power point
• teacher monitors the students while they are having the discussion
• After the given time for discussion, the students prepare themselves to present
their result of discussion in front of the class.
• teacher appoints the spokesman of each group to present their result of
• The spokesman of each groups gives a short presentation about their topic of
• After the spokesman gives a short presentation, class members should
question him or anyone else in the group in view point expressed.

• teacher asks the students about what they have learnt on that day.
• teacher makes conclusion and motivates the students to keep studying.
• teacher greets and closes the class.

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