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Generally, negative sentence made by the word “not” after auxiliary verb like is not, have not, cannot, etc

Example :
1. I will not forget you
2. It is not true
3. You should not be silly
4. I cannot swim

If there are auxiliary more than one, “not” put after first auxiliary

Example :
1. I will not have graduated before the end of this year ( I will have not )
2. You must not have studied last night ( You must have not)
If there are no auxiliary (like in simple present tense and simple past) you can use do/did/does as auxiliary

Example :
1. I want to collect data right now --- > I do not collect data right now

Have belong to auxiliary if followed by past participle

Example :
1. They have collected the required data --- > They have not collected the required data
2. Dani has been doing research since last year --- > Dany has not been doing research since last year
3. They had gone when you showed up --- > They had not gone when you showed up

If Have not followed by past participle, it belong to full verb

Example :
1. They have the required data --- > They do not have the required data
Need belong to auxiliary in negative form. It followed by infinitive without to

Example :
1. You needn’t look at me like that
2. You needn’t have worried

Dare belong to auxiliary in negative form. It followed by infinitive without to

Example :
1. I daren’t ask her

Used to belong to auxiliary in negative form. It used for past time

Example :
1. I used not to like opera
Auxiliary + not

Example :
1. Are not --- > aren’t
2. Cannot --- > can’t
3. Could not --- > couldn’t
4. Dare not --- > daren’t
5. Shall not --- > shan’t
6. Used not to --- > usedn’t to
7. Will not --- > won’t
8. Would not --- > wouldn’t
Negative form for imperative sentences

Example :
1. Don’t worry !!
2. Don’t believe !!
3. Don’t be so rude !!!
Negative form for infinitive pattern

Example :
1. It is important not to worry about silly things
2. I asked him not to spoil his daughter
3. I told her not to be late

Negative form for -Ing pattern

Example :
1. What I enjoy most on holiday is not working
2. Not attending the classes, Dany couldn’t understand a single material
Example :
1. Not + social --- > asocial
2. Not + moral --- > amoral
3. Not + loyal --- > disloyal
4. Not + sane --- > insane
5. Not + active --- > inactive
6. Not + polite --- > impolite
7. Not + ever --- > never
8. Not + either ---- > neither
9. Not + skid --- > nonskid
10. Not + sense --- > nonsense
11. Not + relevant --- > irrelevant
12. Not + logical --- > illogical
13. Not + legal --- > illegal
The word that belong to negative word : seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly,

Avoid use double negative form

I don’t seldom visit my home town

Example :
1. Ask Mr. Sukirman, not to Mr. Cecep
2. Come early, but not before six
3. The computer is working, but not properly

Not Intan came, but his friend

Example :
1. Will you go with me ? --- > No, I won’t

Other Example :
1. Will it rain ? --- > I hope not
2. Is she capable of ruling this country ? ---- > I believe not
Example :
1. No teacher went on strike ---- No the teacher went on strike

Other Example :
1. No Smoking (= Smoking is not allowed )
2. No Parking (=Is is not allowed to park the vehicle)

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