Extrinsic Factors: By: Sta. Rita, Ivy B

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By: Sta. Rita, Ivy B.

It exist outside the person or situation they affect.

An external or environmental factors such as social,

home, school and cultural environment.
The social environment refers to an individual’s physical
surroundings, community resources and social relationships.

1. Reading books improves concentration and patience

Reading books helps children to

develop that patience and concentration, making them better at
conversation and conflict resolution.
2. Reading books increases empathy

The ability to step inside another’s mind, to feel what they feel and understand their

3.Reading books enhances social problem-solving

It allows children to experience a range of moods and emotions they aren’t likely to
experience in everyday life. Experiencing these emotions in a “safe” environment allows
the child to think about how they might react in a similar situation, preparing them for
future interactions.

4. Reading books provides topics for discussion and learning

Books provide children with topics that might not come up in everyday conversation.
Basic requirements of Having parents who model
reading habits start at home. reading can exert a positive
influence on young people’s
reading engagement as an
Parents, siblings and relatives extrinsic variable.
have the role as facilitator in
guiding children in order to Intimate reading between a
achieve extensive reading mother and a child will give a
performance outside the positive impact in raising the
classroom. child’s interest in reading.
Peers Peers can provide expertise or
directly model behaviors and
skills that are “instrumental” to
academic achievement.
Peers are more influential in
adolescence than at any other
If peers are high achievers
time in life.
who engage in academically
oriented habits like studying
Peers play important roles in
and homework completion,
aiding or impeding their current
then students who interact
and future functioning.
with these peers may adopt
those habits and perform better
The Reading Teacher As A Scholar

As a teacher, our main task is to develop students who can

and do read.

We cannot teach what we do not know.

Teachers have an obligation to continue to be learners: to

study, to seek out the latest research, to ponder their
developing knowledge of their reading process.
The teacher as Romanticist
A teacher must be a romanticist, possessing the wisdom that ensures her
students use of reading personal and societal fulfillment .

Such wisdom includes:

Immersion in the world of books, stories, poetry and drama.

Understanding why student communicate as they do.

Being literate exemplars, demonstrating by their knowledge and by their language
familiarity with literature that has guaranteed personal liberty and intellectual
freedom for all who have known it.

Enlightening the students to recognize and appreciate the inherent dignity of all
human labor through words of good moral sense and common decency, and to
seek through language and reading a universe of peace.

The greatest gift the teacher can give : the unbridled romantic love affair with
language and books .
The text organization and structure

Text structure refers to how the information

within a written text is organized. This strategy
helps students understand that a text might present
a main idea and details; a cause and then its
effects; and/or different views of a topic.
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