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Cluster Mustahiil Pre-Drive Test

ENG-RAN-Wireless Optimization (EER) 1

Version Prepared by Remark
03/12/2020 V0.1 Omar Elmi Shirwa

ENG-RAN-Wireless Optimization (EER) 2

1 Introduction

2 CS and PS Call Performance

3 Drive test result & Analysis

4 Conclusion & Recommendations

d 3
Test Type :
Test Type Short Call
Drive test date
Drive Test Duration 40
Measurement tool Nemo Handy
Analysis tool Actix Software
UE Type Samsung Galaxy S5


Test Type Test case Target

CSSR >=98%

Voice Short call CDR <=2%

Coverage : RSCP >-95dBm >95%

Quality : EcNo > -13dBm >95%

ENG-RAN-Wireless Optimization (EER) 4

Call Statistics Value
Total Number of Calls 16
Successful Incoming Calls 0
Successful Outgoing Calls 16
Total Successful Calls 16
Call Failures - Incoming 0
Call Failures - Outgoing 0
Total Access Failures 0
Total Drops 0
Total Completed calls 15
Connected 100%
Access Failure Rate 0.0%
Drop Rate 0.0%
Success Rate 100.0%
In CS call statistics there is in number of calls which indicates pre optimization work
is 5as shows above figure

Drive test result shows as Mustahil town 3G Voice Coverage is not within the KPI as shown above 14.5%
Of the town has bad coverage which is 85.5% is below threshold due to 14.5% of
bad coverage, as a result optimization work is needed in the above P1 and P2 ’s.
Wireless Optimization (EER) 6

Drive test result shows us 3.5% of the quality is bad, which is 96.5% is with in threshold, therefore
It needs no optimization in quality.

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The result shows us 0% of Ue_TxPow is above 20.0, therefore no indicated areas that need optimization or
In order to improve accessibility of nearby sites.
ENG-RAN-Wireless Optimization (EER) 8
Serving sector ID

• 72.2% of service is delivered by 151616 while the 27.8% is DELIVERED by site 151617
since the moved town is located in between this two sites and there is no other
interfering sites.
ENG-RAN-Wireless Optimization (EER) 9
Drive test result and analysis
Coverage (RSCP) Quality (EcNo) UE_TxPow

• Overall DT result 3G Voice Coverage is only below threshold, 85.5% which needs optimization and others like quality is
96.5% which is with in the target.

Wireless Optimization (EER)

Drive test result & Analysis
Coverage (RSCP)

As we can see from the Drive test 3G Voice the Coverage is bad at P1 & P2 the serving cell, is not the
nearest site i.e. SC 151616 but instead the serving site 151617 which is 8 kilometer away site. But 151616
is the nearest site of the place that is why is a red colored
Drive test result & Analysis
Cross Feeder

There are a cross feeder that we think is root cause of 3G Voice low coverage

Problem analysis

• Bad Coverage • Lack Dominance cell

•Faulty installation of CPRI Cable
• No dominant serving site
• Cross Feeder

• Antenna Mechanical Up tilting for sector 1 of site 151617
• Electrical Up tilting of sector one of site 151617
• Exchanging the feeder Cable of 151617 sector One and three

• According to the DT result the overall 3G Voice Coverage is below THRESHOLD value by 85.5% . This figure
occurred due to
• No dominant serving site.
Therefore In order to meet the target we suggest
• Antenna Broadcast Mechanical Up tilting for sector1 for sites (151617).

• Electrical down tilt for into four(151617) cells.

• From DT result 77.2% of service is delivered by 151616 while the 22.8% is DELIVERED by site 151617.this indicates that site 151616’s tower
location is in good position for most of our problematic areas.
• But it only needs to increase it power to dominate all the problematic areas. From the above reasons we recommend that Changing 3G
antenna of 151617 to this site 151616

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