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My Mentors


  , Controller, Rural

Finance, Drishtee Foundation

Ñ     !  ^internal guide),

Assistant Professor, Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Motilal
Nehru National Institute of Technology
My ntroduction



Ñ D Sc ^Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) from
University of AllahabadV ^marks: 69)

Ñ Master of Social Work ^pursuing) from Motilal Nehru

National Institute of Technology, Allahabad-
^CPI:9 , till 2nd Semester)


Ñ |To explore various Corporate Social Responsibility
^CSR) schemes of different corporate houses with
special reference to Allahabad districtµ

Ñ |Parent-child counseling: child·s behavior and

development studyµ

Ñ |Distribution network of household appliance in rural

areas with special reference to Allahabad districtµ

Ñ |Analysis of Microfinance in Indiaµ

Microfinance: an overview


3 According to International Labor Organization ^ILO),




3 In India, Microfinance has been defined by |The
National Microfinance Taskforce, 1999µ as |


  % %

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ë  '
Ñ India is said to be the home of one third of the
world·s poor; official estimates range from 26 to 
percent of the more than one billion population

Ñ About 8 percent of the poorest households do not

have access to credit

Ñ The demand for Microcredit has been estimated at

up to $3 billion; the supply is less than $2 2 billion
combined by all involved in the sector

Ñ Microcredit
Ñ Micro savings
Ñ Micro insurance
Ñ Remittances


Ñ Individual lending
Ñ Group lending

Ñ Considerable gap between demand and supply for
financial services
Ñ Majority of poor are excluded from financial services
Ñ About 6 of the poor still borrow from informal
Ñ  of the rural poor do not have a deposit account
Ñ 8 have no access to credit from formal sources
Ñ Less than 1 of the households have any kind of
Ñ Negligible numbers have access to health insurance
^ ) and crop insurance ^ 2)

Ñ Appropriate legal structures for the structured
growth of MF operations
Ñ Ability to access loan funds at reasonably low rates
of interest
Ñ Ability to attract and retain professional and
committed human resources
Ñ Design of MIS including user friendly software for
tracking accounts and operations
Ñ Appropriate loan product for different segments
Ñ Appropriate method for tackling delinquency

Ñ Annual growth rate of about 2 during the next five
Ñ  of the total poor households of 8 million i e ,
about 6 million will be reached in the next five
Ñ The loan outstanding will consequently grow from
the present level of 16 crores to about 2
½ ectives of the tudy!

Ñ o understand Drishtee¶s ndividual Lending

process of delivering Microfinance

Ñ o inform all Kiosk ½ner (K½ regarding

changes that is going to e implemented in the
ongoing process of Microfinance

Ñ o o tain feed ack from various K½s regarding

changes that is going to e implemented in the
present process of Microfinance
Jesearch Methodology
The study under reference is descriptive in nature and is based
on feedbacks obtained from Kiosk Owners by the method of face-
to-face interview Details of research design are as follows:

Ñ Sample size: 1
Ñ Target group: Kiosk Owners
Ñ Method for obtaining feedbacks: face-to-face interview
Ñ Survey location: Sitapur & Sultanpur district

On the basis of feedbacks obtained from Kiosk Owners

feasibility of changes in the ongoing process will be checked
`hanges proposed in the
ongoing process
Ñ New rate of interest
Ñ New Loan Turnaround time
Ñ No Loan Committee Meeting for loan approval of
Ñ Late Payment Fees
Ñ More responsibilities for Kiosk Operators
Ñ New method of calculating commission for Kiosk
Ñ New method of calculating commission payout for
Kiosk Operators
Ñ Rating of Kiosk Operator
½ servations/Feed acks


Ñ Not happy with commission structure They are receiving
less commission for more responsibilities
Ñ Ready for accepting new appraisal process but demanding
additional expenses apart from commission
Ñ Strict legal measures regarding repayment
Ñ Loan disbursal amount should increase
Ñ Loan turnaround time should decrease
Ñ Number of EMIs should increase
Ñ More LAF should be approved at a time
Ñ If their cases are denied appropriate reasons should be
Ñ No need to repeat the whole process for 2nd time borrowers
Ñ Commission structure: satisfactory
Ñ Loan Turnaround should decrease
Ñ Not in favor of new appraisal process
Ñ Loan disbursal amount should increase
Ñ Number of EMIs should increase
Ñ More LAF should be approved at a time
Ñ If their cases are denied, appropriate reasons should
be given
Ñ No need to repeat the whole process for 2nd time
Ñ Personal loan should be provided to Kiosk Operators
Ñ Ready to open account but it should be joint account
with Drishtee
Ñ Few KOs are not in favor of opening an account as
bank is far from their home Also there will be a lot of
risk while going for cash withdrawal or deposition
Ñ In small town areas, bank do not provide more than
Rs 2,  cash at a time This will create problem in
½pinions  Jecommendations

Ñ Old appraisal process should be retained

Ñ No need to repeat the whole process for 2nd time borrowers
Ñ Joint account of Drishtee and KOs
Ñ There should be no boundation that account should be
opened in SDI only
Ñ Cheque book can be issued to those KOs who lives far
from the bank
Ñ Sitapur Division: need to bring some innovative changes
Ñ Sultanpur Division: no need to modify the existing process
Ñ Drishtee should try to develop interest of KOs in MF For
instance if a KO is having a good repayment record then
more LAF will get approved on that basis ^provided there is
no discrepancy/ error in LAF)
Ñ There is a need of staff having professional qualification
like MSW/MDA especially for problematic areas of
Ñ Lack of trained staff
Ñ Lack of motivated staff
Ñ Need for Monitoring Officer
Finally it can be concluded that microfinance is playing
a very vital role in becoming the low income clients or
poor to be the part of the main stream economy
Drishtee·s efforts in this regard are worth appreciable
Drishtee process of delivering microfinance through
individual lending is a step towards inclusive growth
In this study the structural changes which were
proposed for the betterment of overall process of
delivering microfinance were found feasible and can be
implemented successfully
Di liography
Ñ NADARD Report |Status of Microfinance in India 28-9µ
Ñ The Future of microfinance in India: by Sukhwinder Singh
Arora, Financial Sector Team, Policy Division
Ñ Anil K Khandelwal, |Microfinance Development Strategy for
Indiaµ, Economic and Political Weekly, March 31, 2
Ñ NADARD ^1999) Task Force Report on Supportive Policy and
Regulatory Frame Work for Micro Finance, Mumbai, India
Ñ NADARD ^2-6), Annual Report, www nabard org
Ñ GOI ^1991), The Committee on the Financial System
Ñ www microfinancegateway org
Ñ www microcreditsummit org
Ñ www microfinance com
Ñ www drishteefoundation org

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