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Prepare a new project (a)


 Import/export data
– Load and store seismic data
– Transfer data via the Reference Project tool
– Export data
Data Set
Offshore oilfield in Gulf of Mexico Basin;
production in the area since 1950s

Data description:
3D & 2D seismic,
28 wells, well logs, checkshots, well tops,
velocity cube, stacking velocities

Field description:
Reservoir bounded to the west by a salt dome;
local structure characterized by small to large
scale west-east growth faults;
reservoir mainly Lower to Middle Jurassic
Store Seismic data 2. a. Use the Insert menu or
1.In the menu bar, choose Insert, New seismic main b. Right-click the Seismic
folder; Find it in the Input pane with predefined sub- main folder, use Insert
folders: seismic survey
- Vintages
- Interp survey inclusion filters
- Interpretation folder with an active seismic horizon
Seismic data structure

1. The Seismic main folder contains 1

several items by default 2
2. Vintages; identify different 3
versions of seismic data that have 4
been added to the project. 4A
3. Interp survey inclusion filters;
Allow filtering based on the survey
in which the horizons/faults were
4. Interpretation folder 1; Created by
default. Holds new interpretation,
including Seismic horizon 1 also
created by default.

4A; 3D interp inclusion filters; Allow

filtering based on how the
interpretation was created.
5. Seismic surveys; Must be added
to the Seismic main folder.
Load seismic data (1)
1.Right-click a survey folder, use Import (on
selection); The Import file dialog opens 2.Select the file, its type, click Open

3.Set corresponding data type (2D/3D),

define vintage and Line detection method
Load seismic data (2)
5.Scan a specified number of
4.Change Line detection method to Trace headers traces to QC parameters
fields. If needed, check headers and adjust:
- Inline/crossline number byte positions for 3D data
- CDP and SP byte position for 2D lines

Note: With Line detection method – Automatic, the most likely line/inline and trace/crossline headers are selected, from trace
headers analysis. In this case, scanning is unavailable since the headers are undetermined until the SEGY file is read.
Load seismic data (3)
6.In the Input data dialog,
check color template and

7.Create or select a Vintage.

8.If the CRS of the loaded

seismic is different from
the project CRS, specify it.

Note: CRS transformations can also be done by

exporting to file or using the Reference project tool.
Transfer data through the Reference project tool
1.In menu bar, choose File, Reference project tool.

2.Select a Background project

from the Open project dialog.

3.Select the
project data
check boxes on
right hand side.

4.Click to
transfer it to the
Working project.

Note: Projects must

have same units.
Export seismic data
1.Right-click a seismic data, select Export.

2.Specify output File name

and format. Click Save.

the Export
dialog to
create disk
Project and system settings

Project Name: MyProject

CRS: SPCS27_1702

Unit System: Field


2011 Geophysics.pdf – P25-37

Required Exercises

2011 Geophysics.pdf - pages 38-51

1 Hour

• Transfer data
• Export Seismic
• Find data between Petrel projects
• Load seismic 3D data
• 2D Seismic data loading
Extra Exercises

2011 Geophysics.pdf - pages 21-24,

• Read Pages 21-24

• Create a new project and Load MCQ Pre GSMP 3D volume

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