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Integration and
Architecture II
Topic VII -
The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets
Principles and Learning
 The Internet is like many other technologies—it provides
a wide range of services, some of which are effective
and practical for use today, others that are still
evolving, and still others that will fade away from lack
of use
 Briefly describe how the Internet works, including
alternatives for connecting to it and the role of Internet
service providers

Principles and Learning
Objectives (continued)
 Originally developed as a document-management
system, the World Wide Web is a menu-based system
that is easy to use for personal and business
 Describe the World Wide Web and the way it works
 Explain the use of Web browsers, search engines, and
other Web tools
 Identify and briefly describe the applications associated
with the Internet and the Web

Principles and Learning
Objectives (continued)
 Because the Internet and the World Wide Web are
becoming more universally used and accepted for
business use, management, service and speed, privacy,
and security issues must continually be addressed and
 Identify who is using the Web to conduct business and
discuss some of the pros and cons of Web shopping
 Outline a process for creating Web content
 Describe Java and discuss its potential impact on the
software world

Principles and Learning
Objectives (continued)
 Define the terms intranet and extranet and discuss how
organizations are using them
 Identify several issues associated with the use of networks

Why Learn About the
 Internet is an important part of most people’s lives
 Individuals can investigate career opportunities
 Businesses sell and advertise online
 Employees can communicate with coworkers and bosses

Use and Functioning of the
 Internet: a collection of interconnected networks, all
freely exchanging information
 Ancestor of the Internet
 Project started by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
in 1969

Use and Functioning of the
Internet (continued)
 Internet Protocol (IP): communication standard that
enables traffic to be routed from one network to
another as needed
 Research to make Internet faster and easier to use
 “Digital objects”: allow all types of computer systems to
use and share programs and data
 Internet2 (I2), Next Generation Internet (NGI), Abilene:
provide Internet speeds of up to 2 Gbps or more

Use and Functioning of the
Internet (continued)

Table 7.1: A Brief History of the Internet

How the Internet Works

 Internet transmits data from one computer (called a

host) to another
 If the receiving computer is on a network to which the
first computer is directly connected, it can send the
message directly
 If the receiving computer is not on a network to which
the sending computer is connected, the sending
computer relays the message to another computer that
can forward it

How the Internet Works
 Data is passed in chunks called packets
 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): widely used
transport layer protocol that is used in combination with
IP by most Internet applications
 Uniform Resource Locator (URL): assigned address on
the Internet for each computer

How the Internet Works
 Accessing the Internet
 Connect via LAN server
 Connect via Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)/Point-to-
Point Protocol (PPP)
 Connect via an online service
 Other ways to connect cell phones, PDAs, and home
appliances: e.g., wireless application protocol (WAP) for
cell phones

How the Internet Works

Figure 7.1: Routing Messages over the Internet

How the Internet Works

Table 7.2: U.S. Top-Level Domain Affiliations

How the Internet Works

Figure 7.2: Internet Growth: Number of Internet Domain Names

How the Internet Works

Figure 7.3: Several Ways to Access the Internet

Internet Service Providers

 Internet service provider (ISP): any company that

provides individuals or organizations with access to the
 Most charge a monthly fee
 Many ISPs and online services offer broadband Internet
access through digital subscriber lines (DSLs), cable, or
satellite transmission

Internet Service Providers

Table 7.3: A Representative List of Internet Service Providers

Internet Service Providers

Table 7.4: Approximate Times to Perform Basic Tasks with Various

Internet Connections
The World Wide Web

 Also called the Web, WWW, or W3

 Menu-based system that uses the client/server model
 Organizes Internet resources throughout the world into
a series of menu pages, or screens, that appear on your
 Hypermedia: tools that connect the data on Web pages,
allowing users to access topics in whatever order they

The World Wide Web
 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): standard page
description language for Web pages
 HTML tags: let the browser know how to format text on
a Web page and whether images, sound, and other
elements should be inserted
 Extensible Markup Language (XML): markup language
for Web documents containing structured information,
including words, pictures, and other elements

The World Wide Web

Figure 7.4: Sample Hypertext Markup Language

Web Browsers

 Web browser: software that creates a unique,

hypermedia-based menu on a computer screen,
providing a graphical interface to the Web
 Menu consists of graphics, titles, and text with hypertext
 Popular Web browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Computer’s
 Applet: small program embedded in Web pages
 Web browser plug-in: external program that is
executed by a Web browser when it is needed

Search Engines and Web
 Search engine: Web search tool
 Examples:,
 Most search engines are free
 Searches can use words, such as AND and OR to refine
the search
 Meta-search engine: submits keywords to several
individual search engines and returns results from all
these search engines

Search Engines and Web
Research (continued)

Table 7.6 Popular Search Engines

Web Programming Languages

 Java
 Object-oriented programming language from Sun
Microsystems based on C++
 Allows small programs (applets) to be embedded within an
HTML document

Web Programming Languages

Figure 7.6: Downloading an Applet from a Web Server

Web Programming Languages
 Other programming languages used to develop Web sites
 JavaScript
 VBScript
 ActiveX
 Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

Developing Web Content
 Suggestions for creating a Web page
1. Computer must be linked to a Web server
2. Web browser program needed to view the HTML pages you create
3. Options for designing the Web page
a) Write your copy with a word processor, and use an HTML converter to convert the
page into HTML format
b) Use an HTML editor to write text and add HTML tags
c) Edit an existing HTML template to meet your needs
d) Use an ordinary text editor and type the start and end tags for each item

Developing Web Content
 Suggestions for creating a Web page (continued):
1. See HTML page in browser; correct any mistakes
2. Add links to your home page
3. Store pictures as files before adding them
a) Draw them using a graphics software package
b) Copy pictures from other Web pages (with permission)
c) Buy a disk of clip art
d) Scan photos
e) Use a digital camera

Developing Web Content
 Suggestions for creating a Web page (continued):
1. Add sound by using a microphone connected to your
computer to create a file, and then adding a link to the
file on a Web page
2. Upload the HTML file to your Web site
3. Review the Web page to make sure that all links are
correctly established to other Web sites
4. Advertise your Web page to others and encourage them
to take a look and send feedback by e-mail

Web Services

 Web services: standards and tools that streamline and

simplify communication among Web sites for business
and personal purposes
 XML is used within a Web page to describe and transfer
data between Web service applications

Web Services (continued)

 Other components used in Web service applications:

 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
 WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
 UDDI (Universal Discovery Description and Integration)

Internet and Web
 The types of Internet and Web applications available
are vast and ever expanding

Business Uses of the Web

 In 1991, Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX) Association

was established to allow businesses to connect to the
 Firms use the Internet for many types of applications

E-Mail, Instant Messaging,
and Push Technology
 E-mail
 No longer limited to simple text messages
 Can embed sound and images
 Can attach files
 Instant messaging: online, real-time communication
between two or more people who are connected to the
 Push technology: automatic transmission of information
over the Internet rather than make users search for it
with their browsers

E-Mail, Instant Messaging, and
Push Technology (continued)

Table 7.7: Some Common Abbreviations Used in Personal

Internet Cell Phones and
Handheld Computers
 Cell phones connected to the Internet allow people to
search for information, buy products, and chat with
business associates and friends
 Short Message Service (SMS) or texting
 Brief text messages can be sent between two or more cell
phone users
 Handheld computers and other devices are connected to
the Internet using phone lines or wireless connections

Career Information and Job
 Use search engines to look for specific companies or
 Internet sites specialize in helping you find job
information and apply for jobs online
 Examples:,, and

Telnet and FTP

 Telnet: terminal emulation protocol that enables users

to log on to other computers on the Internet to gain
access to public files
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP): protocol that describes a
file transfer process between a host and a remote
computer and allows users to copy files from one
computer to another

Web Log (Blog), Video Log
(Vlog), and Podcasting
 Web log or blog: Web site that people create and use to
write about their observations, experiences, and
feelings on a wide range of topics
 Video log or vlog: video content placed on the Internet
using the same overall approach as a blog
 Podcast: audio broadcast over the Internet
 People and corporations use podcasts to listen to audio
material, increase revenues, or advertise products and

Usenet and Newsgroups

 Usenet: system closely allied with the Internet that

uses e-mail to provide a centralized news service
 Protocol that describes how groups of messages can be
stored on and sent between computers
 Newsgroups: online discussion groups that focus on
specific topics

Usenet and Newsgroups

Table 7.8: Selected Usenet Newsgroups43

Chat Rooms

 Chat room: enables two or more people to engage in

interactive “conversations” over the Internet
 Internet Relay Chat (IRC) requires participants to type
their conversation rather than speak
 Voice chat allows participants to speak their
 Must have a microphone, sound card, speakers, a fast
modem or broadband, and voice-chat software compatible
with the other participants’

Internet Phone and
Videoconferencing Services
 Internet phone service
 Relatively inexpensive, especially for international calls
 Voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology
 Network managers can route phone calls and fax
transmissions over the same network they use for data
 Internet videoconferencing
 Supports both voice and visual communications
 Webcasts or Webinars

Content Streaming

 Method for transferring multimedia files, radio

broadcasts, and other content over the Internet
 Data stream of voice and pictures plays more or less
continuously without a break, or with very few breaks
 Enables users to browse large files in real time
 Works best when the transmission of a file can keep up
with the playback of the file

Shopping on the Web

 You can shop for almost anything over the Internet

 Convenient, easy, and cost effective
 Many Web sites also offer free shipping and pickup for
returned items
 Bot: a software tool that searches the Web for
information, products, or prices
 Finds the best prices or features from multiple Web sites

Web Auctions

 Web auction: Internet site that matches buyers and

 Businesses grow or reach customers for a low cost per
 One of the most popular auction sites: eBay
 Potential problems with auction Web sites
 Auction sites cannot always determine whether the people
and companies listing products and services are legitimate
 Some Web sites have illegal or questionable items offered

Music, Radio, Video, and TV
on the Internet
 Audio and video programs: play on the Internet or
download files for later use
 Music players and music formats such as MP3: download
music from the Internet and listen to it anywhere
 Musicians can gain exposure without a lucrative music
 Radio broadcasts
 Audio books

Music, Radio, Video, and TV
on the Internet (continued)
 Video and TV are increasingly becoming available on the
 New, innovative devices let you record TV programs and
view them at any time and place
 Many content providers offer their programs over the

Office on the Web

 Internet office: Web site that contains files, phone

numbers, e-mail addresses, an appointment calendar,
and more
 Allows your desktop computer, phone books, appointment
schedulers, and other important information to be with
you wherever you are
 Many services and software products give you remote
access to your files and programs over the Internet

Internet Sites in Three
 Some Web sites offer three-dimensional views of places
and products
 Examples
 3-D Internet auto showroom: allows people to get different
views of a car
 3-D real estate site: people can tour the property, go into
different rooms, etc.

Other Internet Services and
 Libraries: provide vast amounts of information
 Movies: ordered and delivered over the Internet
 Critical information during times of disaster or terrorism
 Translation: words, sentences, or complete documents
from one language into another

Other Internet Services and
Applications (continued)
 Distance learning: online courses
 Internet cameras: conduct job interviews; hold group
meetings with people around the world; monitor young
children at daycare centers, etc.
 Connect with friends or others with similar interests

Intranets and Extranets

 Intranet: internal corporate network built using

Internet and World Wide Web standards and products
 Used by employees to gain access to corporate information
 Reduces the need for paper

Intranets and Extranets
 Extranet: network based on Web technologies that links
selected resources of a company’s intranet with its
customers, suppliers, or other business partners
 Virtual private network (VPN): secure connection
between two points across the Internet
 Tunneling: process by which VPNs transfer information
by encapsulating traffic in IP packets over the Internet

Intranets and Extranets

Table 7.9: Summary of Internet, Intranet, and Extranet Users

Net Issues

 Management issues
 Preventing attacks
 Service and speed issues
 Keeping up with Internet traffic and traffic on company
 Privacy
 Fraud
 Security
 Unauthorized Internet sites


 Internet: collection of interconnected networks, all

freely exchanging information
 Internet Protocol (IP): communication standard that
enables traffic to be routed from one network to
another as needed
 Packets: Internet data passed in chunks
 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): widely used
transport layer protocol that is used in combination with
IP by most Internet applications

Summary (continued)
 Uniform Resource Locator (URL): assigned address on the Internet for each
 World Wide Web: menu-based system that organizes Internet resources
into a series of menu pages, or screens, that appear on your computer
 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): standard page description language
for Web pages
 Search engine: Web search tool
 Internet and Web applications: e-mail, instant messaging, Internet cell
phones, Web logs, newsgroups, Web shopping, etc.

Summary (continued)
 Intranet: internal corporate network built using Internet and World Wide
Web standards
 Extranet: network based on Web technologies that links selected
resources of a company’s intranet with its customers, suppliers, or other
business partners
 Network issues: management, service, speed, privacy, fraud, security,
and unauthorized Internet sites


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