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Why, What, How

Historic/Inner Cities
Why Rehabilitate?
• Efficient use of accumulated capital :
 more intensive use of infrastructure
 promote the more efficient functioning of the inner city and city

 less pressure on peripheric agricultural land

Conservation of Cultural Heritage and development of touristic landmarks

 Cultural and Historical Heritage
 Traditional and historic urban ensembles
To Rehabilitate What?

• Deteriorated peripheric areas :

 Areas with densification potential
 Areas of vulnerable nature, social problems

Areas affected by speculation processes and/or unregulated :

 recuperation or creation of public spaces
 provision of open spaces/green areas

 provision of parking lots

How to Rehabilitate
• Rehabilitate through concentration of public and private
actions :
 generate external situations
 punctual investments

 land management

 credit

Rehabilitation by direct public action:

 purchase and rehabilitation of buildings
 selling/renting of rehabilitated buildings
Generation of Additional Resources
Public Investments which generate favorable
environment to attract private investments

• Investments in Infrastructure
 improving drinking water and drainage
 re – ordering public spaces

 illumination and urban furniture

 adequate urban design – green areas

 Improvement of Access
 re-ordering of transit
 improvement of collective transport services

 parking lots
Investments geared toward the recuperation of monuments
or histotical buildings/landmarks with a view to introduce
dynamic activities or to develop special sectors for the
revitalization of the area :
• Rehabilitation of buildings of historic or cultural interest for public
• Redevelopment of empty land-lots or with not-recuperable
structures for private or public use
• Recuperation of architectural compounds of interest to private use
Concerted Land-management

public actions to remove restrictions to private investment inherent

in (or as a result of) the structure of the property and the norms of
land-use :
• Pro-active strategy
o real-estate adjustment
o Creation of “land-banks”

 Regulation / legislative actions

o structure of ownership
o zonification of land-use
o building norms and standards
Rehabilitation Credits
to channel resources fo finance private investments in
rehabilitation, conservation, or redevelopment of urban

• Loans to real-estate investors for rehabilitation of buildings with

historic or cultural interest
• Mortgage loans to those requesting rehabilitated areas for housing
purposes, commerce and offices, cultural, recreational activities
• Technical assistance to investors

• Modality of execution
 Execution of invesments directly by entities of the public sector
 Execution on concerted public-private investments

 Financing of public sector to investments

 Public promotion of private financing (insurance for commercial

risk re discount0

 Institutional structure
 Executive agency of central, provincial, or local government
 Decentralized executive entity (development corporation)

 Mixed capital company

 Non-governmental organization

 Any other feasible scenario


• Reconciled-otherwise it could be the

• Wreckonciliation of the urban-social fabric for the end of the century

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