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Brazilian Digital Culture Forum:

A new way of making public policies

Aline Carvalho and

Prof. Adilson Cabral

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011
Digital Culture's concept

« Digital culture is a whole new concept. It comes from the

idea that digital technology is cultural in its essency. The
use of technologies changes behaviors. Common use of the
internet and free softwares creates fantastic possibilities to
democratize the access to information and knowledge, to
maximize products and potentials of services, to amplify
values that formed our common values and, so,
our culture potentialized cultural production,
creating new forms of arts »

(Gilberto Gil – « the hacker ministry », 2004)

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011

- Digital technology development as a essentially cultural


- New tools create new dynamics of interaction between

people, institutions and social groups, both in «virtual»
and «real» worlds

- Computer and internet as a starting point, and not a

arrival point

- Access, diversity, networks

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011

- Digital environment's potential:

new paradigms of production, circulation and consumption

- Still in discussion: where will it take us?

(20th century: radio, cinema);

- Structural decisions: public policies (broadband,

regulatory's frameworks);

- Digital Transversality: Culture, Science and

Technology, Education, Law.

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011

- Not only changing behaviors as reinterpretate them

by social uses

- Spontaneous data (Social networks e.g):

market/government perspective of privacy

- What are the limits of social uses control?

- Society's participation on public policies «a

bottom-up processes»

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011
2003 60's Tropicalia movement

Liberating, mind-opening and pioneering look

for brazilian's identity

 Cultural fusion elements connected with

world tendencies

 Mix of politics, technology and culture

Openess in Ministry of Culture  (MinC):

→ Enlarged concept of culture (antropology)

→ New technology's context
→ Commons rights
→ Open Licenses
→ Culture and Communication's democratization
→ Society participation
→ Experimentation environment

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011
Digital cultural policies:
Free Software

- Eletronical Government Program

Free software in the federal
administration systems

- Institucional support and TI


- « Open Source Nation »

(Wired Magazine, 2004)

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011
Digital Studios in Culture Hotspots

- Action of groups that already had

decentralized experiences

- Collaborative production and sharing


- « Meta-Recycling »:
Reapropriating technology (and society)

- «Users» and «consumers» are

potentially «producers» and «creators»

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011
Ministry of Culture
Cultural Policy Secretary

Digital Culture Department

Digital Culture Forum

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011
The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011
- Economy
- Communication
Five areas: - Arts
- Infrastructure
- Memory

Main discussions :

- Author Rights Law

- Preparatory stages for the 2nd National Conference of Culture
- Public policies for digital collection
- Broadcast National Plan
- Eletronic crimes law (« AI-5 Digital »)
- Civil-rights based regulatory framework for the Internet
(«Marco Civil da Internet»)

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011
Some conclusions...clues

→ Digital technology as an essencially

cultural process

→ Dimension of society as an important stakeholder

→ Open Public Policies

The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011

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The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things - Leipzig, march 24 – 25, 2011

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