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What is CSS
• CSS or Cascading Style Sheet
allow you to control the layout of
your HTML document. It is a
simple way to add style such as
font colors or spacing in your
web page.
What is CSS
• CSS is usually a text file that is
separate from your HTML file.
What is CSS
• HTML is used to define the
page’s content while CSS is
used to define how the content
and web page will look.
CSS Structure
Curly Braces

Selector p { Semi Colon

color: red; Declaration

} Value

Capabilities of CSS
1. CSS makes updating web pages easy and
quickly. You can also specify a style once and
then apply it repeatedly in your document.
2. CSS gives you control when placing objects on
the page exactly where you want them.
3. CSS allows you to position objects in three
dimensions (layers).
4. CSS allows you to create custom tags to
achieve specialized objectives.
Advantages of Using CSS
1. Save typing and development time.
2. Download faster because your browser will
download only one file once.
3. You can add multiple link tags in one document.
Three Kinds of CSS
1. Inline Style Sheets – These are used for
isolated changes to a headline, paragraph,
picture or other element. Inline style sheets
override external and embedded style sheets.
Ex. <p style=“background-color: gray;”>
Three Kinds of CSS
2. Embedded Style Sheets (Internal Style Sheets)
- These are used for creating a document-wide
style rule. They are placed within an HTML
document, between the <head> and </head>.
Ex. <style type=“text/css”>
- They are also used when you have a page
that your want to present in a different style from
other pages. Embedded style sheets override
external style sheets.
Three Kinds of CSS
3. External Style Sheets – These are the most
global of the three kinds of CSS because you can
apply the same one to an unlimited number of
pages. They allow you to develop a consistent style
across pages. They easily allow you to change the
layout of your entire web site by simply changing
the external style sheet and every page is instantly
updated. External CSS file has a .css file extension.
Ex. <link rel=“css” href=“style.css” type=“text/css”>
Activity: Identify what kind of CSS are
the following codes.
<style type="text/css">
font-family: arial; color: red
<p>So many times…</p>
<p>When my heart was broken…</p>
<p>Visions of you would keep me strong…</p>
Activity: Identify what kind of CSS are
the following codes.
<p>How many times did I pray you’d find me...</p>
<p>How many whishes on the star...</p>
<p style="font-family: Tahoma; color: yellow">
It was you who first believed.
Activity: Identify what kind of CSS are
the following codes.
<style type="text/css">
h1 {font-family: georgia; color: red}
<h1>What matter most</h1>
<p>It’s not how long we held each other’s hand..</p>
<p>What matters is how well we loved each other…</p>
Activity: Identify what kind of CSS are
the following codes.
<link rel="stylesheet" href=“picture.css“ type="text/css"/>
<p>You know it’s really suicidal to just give in
with people you can never really bu sure.
Activity: Identify what kind of CSS are
the following codes.
<p>When you find yourself in a compromising spot..</p>
<p style="font-family: arial; color: green">
<p>You should know, you shouldn’t take…</p>
Create three simple web pages
that will contain a piece of poem
that you originally created. Use
the three kinds of CSS. Use
some formatting properties like
changing the font size, font color
and style. You may add
background image.
Quiz: Identify what kind of CSS are the
following codes.
<style type="text/css">
h1 {font-family: georgia; color: red}
<h1>What matter most</h1>
<p>It’s not how long we held each other’s hand..</p>
<p>What matters is how well we loved each other…</p>
Quiz: Identify what kind of CSS are the
following codes.
<style type="text/css">
font-family: arial; color: red
<p>So many times…</p>
<p>When my heart was broken…</p>
<p>Visions of you would keep me strong…</p>
Quiz: Identify what kind of CSS are the
following codes.
<p>How many times did I pray you’d find me...</p>
<p>How many whishes on the star...</p>
<p style="font-family: Tahoma; color: yellow">
It was you who first believed.
Quiz: Identify what kind of CSS are the
following codes.
<link rel="stylesheet" href=“picture.css“ type="text/css"/>
<p>You know it’s really suicidal to just give in
with people you can never really bu sure.
Quiz: Identify what kind of CSS are the
following codes.
<p>When you find yourself in a compromising spot..</p>
<p style="font-family: arial; color: green">
<p>You should know, you shouldn’t take…</p>
Identify parts of CSS Structure

10. p { Semi Colon

color: red; 7.

} 8.

Quiz: Enumeration
• Give 3 advantages of CSS
• Give at least 2 capabilities of CSS
• What are 5 things you should learn in order to be
a web designer?
All sources are responsible for the
styles on the web page except for one.
What is it?
Transitional Page

- These are full sized
backdrops, just scale them up!
- Can be Copy-Pasted out of
Templates for use anywhere!

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