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Introduction to TCP/IP

07/15/2021 SERTOI
TCP/IP & The DOD Model
The TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Basics of IP Addressing
Broadcast Addresses

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TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol)
 TCP/IP, or the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol, is a suite of
communication protocols used to interconnect
network devices on the internet. TCP/IP can
also be used as a communications protocol in a
private network (an intranet or an extranet).

 TCP/IP specifies how data is exchanged over

the internet by providing end-to-end
communications that identify how it should be
broken into packets, addressed, transmitted,
routed and received at the destination. TCP/IP
requires little central management, and it is
designed to make networks reliable, with the
ability to recover automatically from the failure
of any device on the network.

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The two main protocols in the internet protocol suite serve specific

TCP defines how applications can create channels of communication across a

network. It also manages how a message is assembled into smaller packets
before they are then transmitted over the internet and reassembled in the right
order at the destination address.
IP defines how to address and route each packet to make sure it reaches the
right destination. Each gateway computer on the network checks this IP
address to determine where to forward the message.

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Department of Defense (DoD) Model of

The DoD model is basically a

condensed version of the OSI model—
it’s composed of four, instead of seven,

 Process/Application layer
 Host-to-Host layer
 Internet layer
 Network Access layer

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Process / Application Layer
The Application layer of the DoD model provides the following key

Enables applications to communicate between each other.

Provides access to the services of the lower layers of the DoD model.

The Application layer of the DoD model is associated with the Session
layer, Presentation layer, and Application layer of the OSI model.

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07/15/2021 SERTOI
The Host to Host Layer
The Host to Host, or transport layer of the DoD model manages the transportation of data, and
establishes the connection between hosts to exchange already formatted data. This layer is associated
with the Transport layer of the OSI model. The Host to Host layer is responsible for establishing
communication channels between the Application layer and the lower layers.
The main CP/IP protocols that operate at the Transport layer are:

 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP offers greater reliability when it comes to
transporting data than what UDP, the other TCP/IP protocol which works at this level provides.
With TCP, the application which sends the data receives acknowledgement or verification that the
data was actually received.
 User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP does not provide reliable data transport. No
acknowledgements are transmitted.

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The Internet Layer
The internetworking or Internet layer of the DoD model handles the packaging, addressing, and
routing of data. The Internet layer of the DoD model relates to the OSI model's network layer. The
Internet layer was initially defined to enable two computers to establish a connection to exchange
data. The Internet layer formed the basis for internetworking or communication over the Internet.
After the Network Interface layer receives data and translates it to signals on the physical medium,
the Internet layer defines packaging, addressing, and routing of the data.
The main TCP/IP protocols that operate at the Internet layer are:
 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
 Internet Protocol (IP)
 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

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The Network Access Layer
The Network Access Layer monitors the data exchange between the host and the network.
Oversees MAC addressing and defines protocols for the physical transmission of data.

The hardware connected to the Network Interface is listed below:

Network medium: This is usually coaxial or twisted pair cabling. In networking today,
wireless has become attractive.
Network interface card (NIC): The NIC has the following addresses:
 MAC address, which is a physical address
 IP address, which is a logical address

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07/15/2021 SERTOI
Fiber Communication Process

07/15/2021 SERTOI
A wireless home network is so much more convenient but your sacrificing speed and security. With a wired home network,
you generally have a faster speed and even more secure network. You can use this tutorial for your home/office network.

Even though a wired home network provides faster network speeds, that doesn't guarantee faster Internet speeds. Your
LAN speed would be at 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps but your Internet is typical slower than that around 12, 15 and even 24
Mbps. This tutorial on setting up your home network can assist you no matter what speed your network and Internet is
running at.

The most popular home network is Ethernet. This type of network is very fast for its low cost. An Ethernet network has
speeds of 10 Mbps (Ethernet), 100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet) and 1000 Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet).

Just remember this simple rule, the network device with the lowest data rate speed defines your network speed. This
means if your switch can reach up to 1000 Mbps and your computer's Ethernet port is only 100 Mbps, then the switch will
transmit at 100 Mbps. You would be wasting a lot of potential and money if you don't remember this rule. The good news
is that 100 Mbps is more than enough for your home network because your Internet speed is much lower than 100 Mbps.
Setting up a home network is very fun and will give you a lot of confidence and knowledge if your pursuing a career in
computer networking.

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What does Broadcast Address mean?
A broadcast address is a special Internet Protocol (IP) address used to
transmit messages and data packets to network systems. Network
administrators (NA) verify successful data packet transmission via
broadcast addresses.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Bootstrap Protocol

(BOOTP) clients use broadcast IP addresses to locate and transmit
respective server requests.

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There are three types of Ethernet addresses:

1. Unicast addresses – represent a single LAN interface. A unicast frame will be sent to a
specific device, not to a group of devices on the LAN.
2. Multicast addresses – represent a group of devices in a LAN. A frame sent to a multicast
address will be forwarded to a group of devices on the LAN.
3. Broadcast addresses – represent all device on the LAN. Frames sent to a broadcast address
will be delivered to all devices on the LAN.

 The unicast address will have the value of the MAC address of the destination device.

 Multicast frames have a value of 1 in the least-significant bit of the first octet of the destination address.
This helps a network switch to distinguish between unicast and multicast addresses. One example of an
Ethernet multicast address would be 01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC, which is an address used by CDP (Cisco
Discovery Protocol).

 The broadcast address has the value of FFFF.FFFF.FFFF (all binary ones). The switch will flood broadcast
frames out all ports except the port that it was received on.

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Basics of IP Address
What does Internet Protocol Address (IP Address) mean?
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a logical numeric address that is assigned to every single
computer, printer, switch, router or any other device that is part of a TCP/IP-based network.

The IP address is the core component on which the networking architecture is built; no network
exists without it. An IP address is a logical address that is used to uniquely identify every node in the

The two kinds of IP Addresses are IPv4 and IPv6.

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IPv4 uses 32 binary bits to
create a single unique address
on the network.

An IPv4 address is expressed

by four numbers separated by

Each number is the decimal

(base-10) representation for an
eight-digit binary (base-2)
number, also called an octet.

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IPv6 uses 128 binary bits to
create a single unique address
on the network.

An IPv6 address is expressed by

eight groups of hexadecimal
(base-16) numbers separated by

Groups of numbers that contain

all zeros are often omitted to
save space, leaving a colon
separator to mark the gap.

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IP Address Class

07/15/2021 SERTOI
1. (2018). Retrieved 12 May 2018, from

2. Setting Up a Home Network Tutorial. (2018). Retrieved 12 May 2018, from

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