Good Morning Grade 7!: English 7

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Directions: Choose the letter of the word in column B that is being describe in
column A.
1. push someone
suddenly or violently. a. suspicion
2. jump or dive
quickly and
energetically b. plunged
3. a feeling or thought
that something is
possible, likely
or true. c. thrust
4. move through the
water in a boat using
a paddle. d. paddled
5. afraid or nervous e. anxious
The Stranger
Ismael V. Mallari
My classmates and I did not like the new boy, David.
It was not because w knew that he was a bad boy, or
because he had done anyone of us
any harm. We only knew we did not like him.
He was a stranger in our barrio, and we did not like
stranger. Ours was a little barrio where everybody
knew everybody else. I knew all my classmates and
their fathers and their mothers and their sisters, and I
was sure all my classmates knew me, and my father,
and my mother and, and my brothers and my sisters.
But we knew nothing about David , or his father or his
mother. We only knew that they had come at the
beginning of the school year, and that they were
renting the big house at the bend of the road. My
father said that they had come from Pampanga, and
that David’s father was in charge of repairing the old
bridge across the Malabon River.
So we all eyed David with suspicion. Whenever to
tried to smile at us we looked to one another and
lowered our eyes. We did not like any better when we
found out that he could answer the teacher’s questions
readily than we could. He was, we decided, showing
off. He wanted to be the teacher’s pet.
We never asked David to play with us. He had to sit
under the big acacia tree in the schoolyard and watch
us play. We gave one another guavasand other fruits at
recess, but we never offered David any.
Why did the narrator and his friends find David
One Day, however, David brought a great big package to
school. We were all curious about what the package
contained, but we try hard not to show our curiosity.
At recess David approached us, shouting, Hey fellows,
want any?” then he opened the packaged. It was full of
puto seco, the most tempting I had seen in all my life.
“Where did you get it?” I asked.
“My grandmother sent it to me,” David replied. “ She
made it herself. Here take some. It’s very good. “And he
thrust a handful into my hands
I put a piece of puto seco into my mouth. It was very
good. I took another bite, and another, and another.
“Hey fellows,” I said, looking around. “Good isn’t it?”
My classmates could nod their heads in approval. Their
mouths were too full. I looked at David. He was smiling, and
his eyes were shining.
“Like it?” he asked.
“Yes very much,” I answered, “Did you say your
grandmother made it herself?”
“Surely,” David replied. “ She can make other things, too-
doughnuts and sweets and other things.”
“Umm!” I said . “She must be good.”
It was a wonderful what a handful of puto seco could do.
David became suddenly interesting to us. He was no longer so
strange although his accent was still rather funny to our ears.
We soon found out, too, that David was very entertaining. He
told us about his hometown, San Fernando. It was very much
like Malabon, he said. He told us about the games that he and
his friends use to play.
The it turned out that David had been to many places.
Because of his father’s job, the family had to move about.
David had lived in Bacolod, Zamboanga, Appari, and many
other places we had only read about in our geography book.
Goodness! We had thought that those names only stood for
little marks on the map. Now we learned from David that they
were actual towns with houses, and people, and trees, and
schools, and churches.
“At the boy’s camp,” said David. “My teacher taught us life-
“Gee! I said again. “Suppose you had not been with us.
What would we have done?”
“Never mind,” said David. “I’m sure you would have done
something all right.”
“David was the talk of the schoolthe following Monday.
Everybody looked at him now with pride. He was a hero.
How about you, have you done anything heroic for a
friend? How did you feel?
External conflicts include man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society and man vs.
1. Superhero vs. Thief (man vs. man)
2. The movie 2012 where the world was destroyed by different calamities. (man vs.
3. The President vs. Country (man vs. society)
4. Batman vs. Superman (man vs. supernatural)
1. Your Art teacher asked you to bring coloring
materials for your activity today. Unfortunately, you
forgot to bring yours but Arts is your last subject.
2. It’s your TLE class and you accidentally
spill the water that should be used for your cooking
3. It’s your brother’s birthday and you are
supposed to surprise him with a cake. You
accidentally slipped on the floor while holding it. He
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got angry because he’s not able to eat his cake.
GROUP 1: Associate words or phrases to the
acronym F-R-I-E-N-D. The first word must or
phrase must start with the first letter of the word
GROUP 2: Draw an emoticon. Think of a time
when you felt that emotion with a friend.
GROUP 3: Make a short skit about the conflict
you encountered and how you resolved it.
GROUP 4: Sing a song that best describes
about your relationship to a friend.
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Give your insight to the given
“There are friends, there is family, and
then there are friends that become
- anonymous
Directions: There are choices on how you are going to solve the problem.
Choose the best answer and write your answer on your paper.
1. Jack bullies Ralph everyday and gets his food without permission.
a. Ralph fought back to Jack.
b. Teacher saw Jack bullying Ralph that’s why she reported it to the
c. Ralph lets Jack bully him even if he’s getting hurt.
CREDITS: This presentation template was
created by Slidesgo, including icons by
2. Mary lost the
Flaticon, necklace&that
infographics herbymom
images gave her.
a. Mary told her mom that she lost her necklace even if she will get
b. Mary always wear clothes that covers her neck so that her mom will
not notice that her necklace was lost.
c.Mary stole money from her mom to buy new necklace.
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3. There was a heavy rain and lightning. Kenneth’s ball was still outside.
a. Kenneth went outside and get his ball.
b. Kenneth asked his father to get his ball outside.
c. Kenneth waited for the rain to stop and get his ball.
4. Tomorrow is your mother’s birthday and you want to make her happy on her
special day but you don’t have money to buy her gifts.
a. I will borrow money from my classmate to buy a gift.
CREDITS: This presentation template was
b. I will make a letter instead of buying a gift for my mom.
created by Slidesgo, including icons by
c. I willinfographics
Flaticon, get money from my father’s
& images pocket.
by Freepik

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5. Cumi woke up late this morning. She has a quiz for her first subject but she’s still
sleepy. She’s confused whether to get up from bed and prepare or continue her
a. Cumi continued her sleep until noon.
b. Cumi decided not to attend her first subject.
CREDITS: This presentation template was
c. Cumi stood up from her bed and decided to go to school.
created by Slidesgo, including icons by
  Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik

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On one whole sheet of

paper, write a paragraph of
CREDITS: This presentation template was
scenario in yourby Freepik family
by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, infographics & images

about the conflict and how

you resolved the conflict.
  PHOTO 04/2021

CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik

Please keep this slide for attribution

PHOTO 04/2021

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