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Interim Guidelines for

Assessment and Grading in

Light with the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan

DepEd Order No. 031, s. 2020

 Disseminate Do No. 8, s. 2015 and DO
No. 031, s.2020
 Capacitate District Trainers for the

District In-service Training (INSET)

 Appreciate the Interim Guidelines for

Assessment and Grading learners in

light with the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP)
Session Outline
 Relationship between DO No. 12,
s. 2020 and DO No. 31, s. 2020
 Principles of DO No. 031, s. 2020
 Roles and responsibilities of the

different leadership levels

 Planning the Assessment
 Assessment Method and

Session Outline (cont.)
 Formative and Summative
 Conduct Assessment Remotely
 Feedback and Remediation
 Grading and Promotion
 Role of Technology
 Sample Computation,

requirements and decision

1. What are the DepEd issuances related
to Assessment and Grading System?
2. Are these issuances affected by the
circumstances brought by COVID 19
3. What is/are the DepEd issuance/s
which affect/s our normal way of
assessing and grading the learners?
New Normal Assessment and Grading
Activity 1. “Spot the Difference”
DO No. 8, s. 2015
(Interim Guidelines for Assessing and
Grading in Light with the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan)
DO No. 031, 2020
(Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment
for the K to 12 Basic Education Program)
Are changes necessary?
DO No. 12, s. 2020 and DO No. 31, s. 2020

DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2020 DepEd Order No. 31, s.2020
Adoption of the Basic Interim Guidelines for
Education Learning Assessment and Grading
Continuity Plan (BE- in Light with the Basic
Education Learning
LCP) for S.Y.2020-2021 Continuity Plan
in light of the COVID 19

DO No.31, 2020 to supplement DO No. 12, 2020

DO No. 31, 2020
DO No. 031, s. 2020
The Main Desired Outcomes of the Policy
Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities
Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020

Roles of School Heads

Ensure that the policy is communicated to

the stakeholders
Responsible for supervising the

implementation of DO no. 31,s2020

 Monitor and evaluate the implementation of

the policy
Prepare quarterly report that include the

challenges and issues encountered

Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020
Roles of the Division Office
Monitor the compliance of schools with
these guidelines
Collate and submit reports to higher office
- Submitted reports to the CO: % of
Learners Passed
- In Sibugay there are learners who
failed in the first quarter
Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020

A. Planning the Assessments

Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020

A. Planning the Assessments (cont.)

Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020

Planning the Assessment

When Deciding the Assessment Method
When Deciding the Assessment Method
Assessment Strategies should:
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Written works and Performance Task
No quarterly examination
Written Works: at least 4 per quarter

(choose only)
Performance Tasks: at least 4 per
quarter (choose only)
Teachers are given two options (use
the GIYA or prepare another)
Summative Assessment (cont.)
Check all but not to record all and should
not be used as basis for grades.
Choose which activities be recorded.
Teachers should ensure learners receive

remediation when they earn raw scores

which are consistently below
expectation to prevent learners from
Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020
Important Reminders for School Heads
and Teachers
 Learners must be given flexibility in the
accomplishment of the performance
tasks to consider time and resources
Teachers must exercise professional

judgment in carrying out summative

assessments and provide enough
opportunities to learners to practice and
redo their work whenever necessary
Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020

Important Reminders for School Heads

and Teachers (cont.)
Assessment and feedback should be a
shared responsibility
Assessment and grading should have a

positive impact on learning

Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020

B. Conducting Assessment Remotely

Communicate the Assessment Task

Details to be explained
a. Objective of the assessment task
b. Roles of learners and
c. Procedure and expected timeline
d. Standards and rubrics
Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020

B. Conducting Assessment Remotely (cont.)

Record of Progress
Some sample strategies:
a. Self Monitoring Tool (Annex E)
b. Check-ins of teacher with learner
c. Evidence of learning in the student’s
learning portfolio
Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020
c. Feedback and Remediation
 Formative and Summative

Assessment must be accompanied

with timely, constructive and
meaningful feedback based on the
learner’s record of progress
 Maximize available communication

options (writing on the output,

texting via SMS, use online channels)
Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020
Assessment per DO no. 31 s, 2020
D. Grading and Promotion
DO No. 031, s. 2020
DO No. 031, s. 2020
DO No. 031, s. 2020
DO No. 031, s.2020
DO No. 031, 2020
DO No. 031, s.2020
Assessment per DepEd Order No. 8, s.2015
Promotion and Retention of Learners
1.Final grade of at Promoted to the next grade
least 75% in all level
Grad learning areas
2.Did not meet Must pass remedial classes
expectations in not for more learning areas
more than two with failing mark to be
learning areas promoted to the next grade
level…Otherwise the learner
is retained in the same
grade level
3.Did not meet Retained in the same grade
Assessment per DepEd Order No. 8, s.2015
Promotion and Retention of Learners

1.Final grade of at Promoted to the next grade
least 75% in all level
Grad learning areas
2.Did not meet Must pass remedial classes
expectations in not for more learning areas
more than two with failing mark to be
learning areas promoted to the next grade
level…Otherwise the learner
is retained in the same
grade level
3. Did not meet Retained in the same grade
Assessment per DepEd Order No. 8, s.2015
Promotion and Retention of Learners

4. Must pass all Earn the elementary
learning areas in the certificate
Grad elementary Promoted to junior high
es school
5. Must pass all Earn the junior high school
learning areas in the certificate
junior high school Promoted to senior high
Assessment per DepEd Order No. 8, s.2015
Promotion and Retention of Learners
1.Final grade of at least 75% Can proceed to the next semester
in all learning areas in the
2.Did not meet expectations Must pass remedial classes for failed
es in a prerequisite subject in a competencies in the subject before
11- learning area being allowed to enroll in the higher
level subject
3. Did not meet Must pass remedial classes for failed
expectations in three or competencies in the subject or
more learning areas learning areas to be allowed to enroll
in the next semester. Otherwise the
learner must retake the subjects
For grades 1-10
A learner who did not meet expectations in at
most two learning areas must take remedial
Remedial classes are conducted after the final
grades have been computed
The learner must pass the Remedial Classes
to be promoted to the next grade level
For grades 11-12
A learner who fails a unit/set of competencies
must be immediately given remedial classes
They should pass the summative assessment
during remediation to avoid a failing mark
If the learner still fails the remedial classes,
he must retake the subject/s failed
Summative assessment during remedial classes
are recorded, computed, and transmuted
The equivalent of the final grade for the
remedial class is the Remedial Class Mark (RCM)
The final grade at the end of the school year
and the Remedial class mark are averaged
If the recomputed final grade is 75 or higher the
learner is promoted to the next
grade level
Ifthe recomputed final grade is below
75 then the learner is retained in the
grade level
Remedial Class teacher issues

certificate of recomputed final grade

which should be noted by the school
head and should be submitted to the
Division Office,
attached to both form 137 and
school form 5

 Before conducting Summer Class, the

school has to seek approval from the
Division Office
 Please read DepEd order No. 13,s.2018,
“Implementing Guidelines on the
Conduct of Remedial and Advancement
Thank You
Keep Safe

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