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 Let’s start the program by digging into your old

sweet memories

 Go back to your schooling time, may be 3rd standard

 Science Class in particular?

 Do you remember – our teachers told us something
Living Things, and
Non-living things

 If we still go deeper into “Living Things” we have :

Animal world, and

Plant world

All these things together constitutes “ Real World”

 In this “Real world” we
want : to do many things
 See many things / places
 Enjoy many things

 But, we have our own limitations and constraints, like :

 Time
 Money
 Facility ( Rocket?)
 Social Commitments ( family, etc)
 Biological constraints ( feather / wings)
 Technological Constraints ( time travel)

 In spite of all these constraints we still enjoy
many things in our “Imaginary World”.

 This “imaginary world” is limited to yourself.

 No one else will “see” or come and “join” with you in

your imaginary world.

 We, most of us, likes the company, enjoy more in the

company of others.
 So, what is the best way out?

 Our software experts gave some kind of life to our
“imaginary world” and depicted it in the computer
screens / electronic devices.

 This new world is called “ Virtual World”.

 Where we
are ?
 In the “Real World” ?

 That is reality

 When we get into “Virtual World”, what will be there ?

 “ Virtual Reality”.

 When we are fully into any of these two world, we call it we

are “immersed” in it.

 Virtual reality (VR) typically refers to computer
technologies that use software to generate realistic
images, sounds and other sensations that replicate a
real environment (or create an imaginary setting), and
simulate a user's physical presence in this
environment, by enabling the user to interact with this

 With the advancement of the technology, VR places the

user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen
in front of them, users are immersed and able to
interact with 3D worlds.
 Virtual reality enhance the imaginary world and take
us to virtual world / immersive environment**.

 Users are isolated from theoutside world /

physical surroundings.

 ** Immersive environment : (of a computer display or system)

generating a three-dimensional image which appears to surround the

 You will enjoy the “Virtual World” only when you are
fully immersed in it.

 When playing a computer game, for example, you will

get immersed in it by about 60%.

 With 3D glasses – may be about 80%, and

 With VR gear – may be about 95-100%?

 You experience VR using a head mounted display. The
headset covers your entire vision and thereby
immersing you totally in a computer generated 3D

 As you move your head it tracks your movements and

updates the display – tricking your brain into thinking
you are in a real place.

 Currently, the gaming and entertainment industries

have found the most success with this medium.

 From a brand perspective VR offers the opportunity to make deep
and more meaningful connections with your customer.
 Put your audience at the heart of the action. Whether it is test
driving a car, flying a jet or playing world class rugby VR is the
next best thing to being there.

 As I told you, VR seeks to create a world of its own,
separate from reality, and replaces the real world with
a simulated one.

 Now, new technology has been developed to increase a

user’s experience in the real world and enhance reality.


 Augmented

 The dictionary meaning of Augmented

is :
 Amplified
 Enhanced
 Improved
 Supplemented

 What is Augmented Reality?

 The basic idea of augmented reality is to superimpose

graphics, audio and other sensory elements over a real-
world environment in real time to augment the reality.

 As a result, the technology work by enhancing one’s

current perception of reality.

 Augmented Reality is a very different technology from
Virtual Reality.

 This software (work through apps) enables us to

configure, manage and visualize 3D content through
augmented reality.

 The mission of this software is to seamlessly connect our

physical and virtual experiences so as to change the
way people see and imagine the world around them.

 Augmented reality (AR) can be applied to many
markets , such as :
omni-commerce retail (just to name a few).

 This revolutionary technology is expected to
impact business like :

 retail,

 manufacturing, and

 architecture.

 AR for Enterprise

 How AR Applies to Enterprise

 AR and the Business Life Cycle

 The most common use of 3D models today are either in
the filed of entertainment or product design.

 Most 3D models still only displayed on the flat monitor


 Now, researchers and engineers are pulling graphics out

of your television screen or computer display and
integrating them into real-world environments.

 AR is the end result.

 The Augmented Reality is generally experienced is
through gaming, creating immersive gaming
experiences that utilize your actual surroundings.

 Imagine shooting games with zombies walking in your

own bedroom!

 The biggest use of Augmented Reality gaming to-date is

Pokémon Go, allowing users to catch virtual Pokémon
who are hidden throughout a map of the real world.

 The AR enabled tracker, which is an image linked to the
augmented reality element (ex: Drawing in the bellow
picture), triggers the software to display a 3D version
of the product (ex: here it is the building) with which
the user can interact.

 One can use mobile device to examine the product in
greater detail or just get an idea of what it looks in real

(Prospective buyer is checking how sofa will looks like in real world)

 AR simply places the 3D model or hologram into the
environment and changes its position or scale based on
environment tracking and depth sensing of the
physical world.

 Seeing a giant monster standing in your living room can

be frightening sight, even it is imaginary .

 As of now, physical prototypes have been only way to
see designs in actual size.

 Augment Reality now allows designers to manipulate

and interact with the product in the real world until
they satisfied, instead of going through multiple proto
development in that phase.

 AR also connects the teams, speeding up the approval


 AR will streamline design process by allowing for
immediate changes to the original (design) concept
before it ever hits production.

 Will it fit? Need to change the spec sheet? How will it

look? etc. are the common doubts raise in the minds of
the designers while creating a style.

 Answers for these questions once took days, weeks or

wild guesses, will now take minutes to confirm.

B2B sales
 Retailer and their sales representatives simulate the
products in real size, in their customer’s real
environment to push sales.

 Augmented reality has improved the visual impact of

product presentation and helps sales team to close the
deals faster.

 Some retailers has brought AR into the fashion world by
using real, naked models as a kind of hybrid
mannequin on which people can view clothes.

 With this technology we’ll soon all be able to instantly

try out the hottest trending fashions — from street
styles to catwalks — from anywhere in the world.“

 AR technology will allow shoppers a 360-degree view of

the clothes. They will also be able to zoom in to see the
texture of the material.

Omni- Commerce
 Through smart phones and tablets, augmented reality is
allowing customers to try products at home before buying.

 E-commerce customers can access an entire inventory of

products and AR allow them to test the products in their
homes to see how that product would look. Ikea has done it.

 Shoe brand Converse‘s buyers who has the Converse Sampler

App can choose any shoe from the Converse catalog and
simply point the phone towards their foot to see how the
(virtual) shoe will look when wearing it.

 Currently, augmented reality is the forefront of retail
innovation, allowing users to experience shopping online
and offline in a revolutionary way. This technology is
allowing the consumer to interact with virtual products
through simple image scan.

 'Nails by Holition is the FIRST EVER mobile app

consumers can try on virtual nail colours in real-time.
 There are no photos to upload - just hold a smart phone over
the hand and voilà, the selected nail colour appears on the
 ‘Nails by Holition’ even makes recommendations according
to the colour of your hands.

 The Augmented Reality mobile apps & software are
developed to give users more information about
products and objects around them.

 Images on packages are made AR capable, because of

which shoppers can see how products will look when
built or unpackaged through augmented reality.

 London retailers deploy AR technology for 2016
Christmas shopping season

 Augmented reality (AR) will meet shopping in a big

way this Christmas shopping season as London’s
Covent Garden area links up with AR tech firm Blippar
to offer a new consumer experience.

 Augment Reality is set to dominate the next age of retail
through product visualization.

 People will always want to know as much as possible

before making purchase decision and AR will help in
ensuring customer confidence.

 It is the kind of sales tool, will remain useful in years to


 "AR is going to become really big.

 "VR, many people think, is not gonna be that big,

compared to AR …

 AR gonna take a little while, because there’s some really

hard technology challenges there.

 But it will happen. It will happen in a big way. And we

will wonder, when it does [happen], how we lived
without it. Kind of how we wonder how we lived
without our [smartphones] today."
 An enhanced reality that works seamlessly between VR
& AR is known as Mixed Reality(MR).

 The main difference between AR & MR is that MR seeks

to blend reality with computer generated imagery to
such a degree that the two become almost

 The true MR system is still in nascent stage, and will

take time to come into market.

 There are privacy concerns.

 Image-recognition software coupled with AR will, quite

soon, allow us to point our phones at people, even
strangers, and instantly see information from their
Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, LinkedIn or other online

 With most of these services people willingly put

information about themselves online, but it may be an
unwelcome shock to meet someone, only to have him
instantly know so much about your life and


 (




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