Schneider Electric Case Study:: Accelerating Global Digital Platform Deployment Using The Cloud

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Schneider Electric Case Study:

Accelerating Global Digital Platform

Deployment Using the Cloud

IIMC MBAEx – Batch 15

Purpose/Objective of Case Study
• This case reviews the transformation journey at Schneider
Electric, focusing, in particular, on the leadership of its global
IT unit called Information, Process, and Organization(IPO). The
company relied on a cloud-based customer relationship
management system to accelerate its transformation and the
case reflects on both the challenges and the management
practices that were part of that effort.
Program “One”
Why Started?
• High Variability and fragmentation of critical
enterprises processes was resulting in cost
inefficiency and missed revenue opportunities.
• Rationalize and Standardize processes while
presenting a single face and more compelling
value proposition to customers.
The One Transformation Program :Creating a
Central Identity
• Aim was to become an integrated energy
management solutions provider. (Energy
provider +Energy Management+IT)
• Central Identity needed because organic
growth and acquisitions had resulted in
redundant and disjointed processes.
• Birth of IPO:Consolidation of local IT Units into
global IT function.(Centralization and
streamlining of IT Processes)
Connect Transformation Program-Another 3
year stint
• Aim To foster connection between various business
units and geographical regions to create a highly
collaborative customer centric work environment.
Mgmt interested in Cross Selling.
• 4 initiatives Connect to Customers,Connect
Everywhere, Connect People and Connect Efficiency.
• IPO Concluded that S.E needed a global CRM
platform to provide holistic service. Here question
arose whether to develop it in-house or outsource?
bFO Process Redesign and platform
• “SalesForce” already selected as S.E. CRM.
Now Next Challenge?
• Challenge: To deploy a single global instance
of Salesforce to more than 25,000 users in
over 100 countries within a target time frame
of 18 months.
• Birth of bridge Front Office (bFo) intitative.
bFO Explained-Two Guiding Principles
1. “Go fast Go Good enough.”
2. Deploy Standard Functionalities offered by Sales Force and
limit Customizations' to absolute necessary.
• bFO followed a methodology of progressive implementation of
initially simple then successively more complex functionality.
• bFO facilitated cross selling and collaboration, the challenges
S.E. always wanted to address.
• Network of Excellence crerated to encourage adoption and use.
• Training workshops for workforce.
• bFO had its advantages and challenges.
Going Forward-Challenges and Opportunities

• Despite success of bFO Standardization and

Customization was an ongoing challenge.
• Behavioral: Non sharing of Customer opportunity data
with peers. Problem of Data Hoarding
• Maintenance of Data Quality which was hampered by
record duplication and complications of data cleaning.
• Increasing World Energy Consumption amid increasing
Co2 emissions(GHGs)
• Sustaining of the enterprise as top provider of Energy
Management Solutions.

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