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Lean Manufacturing

Gonzales, Ron Aldelene

Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• It is a production method based on the
concept of increasing productivity while
reducing waste in a manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing process.
• Seven Wastes (muda).
• Toyota Production System (TPS).

June 21 • Used by the Japanese.

Toyota Production System • Eliminating waste and maximizing
production efficiency.
• Has 3 pillars.
• Japanese industrial engineer and
businessman and
Ohno Taiichi
• The father of Toyota Production System.
• He devised the seven wastes.
• Beyond Large-Scale Production.
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• JIT is a form of inventory management
in which products are only obtained
from suppliers as they are required. This
method's major goal is to lower
inventory holding costs while increasing
inventory turnover.
June 21
Just In Time (JIT) • First Pillar of TPS.
• Just in time delivery involves careful
planning in order to complete the entire
process from start to finish, increasing
efficiency and removing the possibility of
error because each procedure is closely
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• A Japanese term which means
• It’s the automatic detection of problems
JIDOKA or defects at an early stage and proceed
with the production only after resolving
the problem at its root cause.
• Automation with human intelligence.
June 21 • Over-production
• Waiting time
• Transportation
7 Types of Wastes • Processing
• Inventory
• Motion
• Defects
Gantt Chart • Scheduling your work and activities.
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• Continuous improvement.
• Focuses on reducing waste, increasing
productivity, and delivering long-term
improvement in a company's specified
operations and processes.
• 5 Whys
• It seeks to bring together employees
from many departments and levels of the
June 23 organization to solve an issue or improve
a process.
• Workflow management.
• It is based on the fundamental concept
that you must first know where you are
in order to travel to your target location.
• Can be applied to any type of work that
follows a repeating process.
• What-to do lists.
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• Fool proofing or error proofing.
• It attempts to prevent an error from
Poka Yoke
• Example is an elevator equipped with
sensors and alarms to prevent operation
when overloaded.
• 5S in workplace organization and
• Stands for 5 individual s-words, namely
June 23 sort, set in order, shine, standardize and
• Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke
5S • This concept is putting things back
where they belong and keeping the
workplace clean, making it easier for
individuals to complete their tasks
without wasting time or causing damage.
• Raises product quality and improves
work productivity, resulting in lower
costs and higher efficiencies.
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• Sorting
• Identifying what is necessary and not
Seiri necessary items, then eliminating the not
necessary items.
• Example: Sorting goods in pantry.
June 23 • Set in order
• Systematic Arrangement.
• Arranging correctly and to make correct
Seiton preparations.
• Making thorough preparations
• Example: Arranging your files in your
computer in their proper folders before
doing what you have to do to them.
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• Cleaning
• Shine
• Cleaning as a form of inspection.
• Finding minor problems to reduce
number of accidents and machine
June 23 • Example: Wiping the dusty and filthy
sink clean.
• Standardization
• Setting up standards and norms and
Seiketsu maintaining them.
• Acknowledging the 5S.
• Example: Creating standards on item
identifications in shelves.
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• Self Discipline and Training
• Training people to follow good
housekeeping discipline.
• Always follows the rule and applying it
as a habit.
• High employee morale.
• Example: Organizing your bed after you
woke up in the morning.
June 23
• It is a good way for companies to get
familiar with continuous improvement
cycles by involving workers to organize
and improve the workplace conditions.
Benefits of 5S
• 5S reduces waste, downtime, defects,
delays and questions.
• 5S improves safety, customer and
personal satisfaction, visual and process
control, and standardization.
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
1. Over-production
2. Waiting Time
3. Transportation
7 Types of Wastes 4. Processing
5. Inventory
6. Motion
July 01 7. Defects
• It is when the final product that is
produced is unable to be used or sold due
to lack of customer.
Over-production • Characteristics are batch processing,
excess equipment management, capacity,
scrap due to obsolescence, storage racks,
and large work in progress (WIP).
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• Inventory that is sitting idle.
• Lack of operators
Waiting Time • Unexpected downtime of equipment.
• Causes are lack of proper equipment and
low effectiveness of man and machines.
• Is the movement of materials that adds
July 01
no value to the product.
Transportation • Causes are large batch productions and
large inventories that requires excessive
effort to move items between processes.
• Is a method adopted to compute the
Northwest Corner Rule initial feasible solution of the
transportation problem.
• The effort that is unnecessary and adds
no value to the product.
Date Topic/s Discussed Learnings
• Selection of project and adviser
• Preparation of Proposal
• Evaluation of proposal
(Design Project) • Analysis of design alternatives
Course Outline • Evaluation and selection of preferred solution
June 18 • Preparation of final project
• Presentation of the project
• Assessment of the project
• Example of possible titles for our project.
Sample of Recent Projects
• How to think of a good and an IE deserving
title and project to present.
Glowcap – product that provides a reminder when
it’s time to take your meds.
Edyn – sensor that collects and analyses data
Example of Products about current weather and soil conditions.
Quitbit – smart lighter that helps you to quit
smoking. Displays how many cigarettes you’ve
smoked and how long till your next one.

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